Transplant & The Native

Ep #39: C-Mac Sets Off For South America



On this episode of No Vacancy Colorado, Kip sits down with NVC Foreign Ambassador Carly McCarroll to talk about her upcoming trip to spread the good word of Stoned Appetit & the Colorado gang, to the folks of South America. They dive in to her jet setting locations, foods & drinks of the local regions, and all that she plans to do with her time south of the equator. From there, we dive in to her past travel habits, jinxes, things she can not travel without (including her dancing machine husband), and then dive into how she will spend her holidays overseas. From there, they goof off and go on tangents, talking bout favorite stops around the globe, passport stamps and fill Kip with envy from past experiences... Quite the episode for any vagabond or person who may have the travel itch, they need to scratch. Tune in to this episode, and many more as you travel for the holiday season, or just to work. It's a real doozy!!! Wish Bon Voyage to CMac... and don't forget to please review the podcast on iTunes, G