Transplant & The Native

Ep #32: The Gang High Balls At The Wolf's Tailor



This week on No Vacancy Colorado's episode of "Stoned Appetit", Chris & Kip go hang out with renown (and humble) chef, Kelly Whitaker. They talk about how his different route to becoming a food gawd... from dish washer in FoCo to award winning restauranteur in hilarious fashion. The gang dives into his worldly travels that have inspired his new menu & why you should come try his new Sunnyside restaurant. Then they touch on another rendition of Rapid Fire, Hot Seat & some hilarious #StonedAppetit conversation.... All we can say is: Trust him to build a perfect dinner menu for a table of 2 to 20. HAVE MERCY THE FOOD AT **THE WOLF'S TAILOR** IS AMAZING.