Transplant & The Native

Ep #13: The Gang Gets Their Ass Kicked



Have you ever wanted to punch Kip or Sam in the face? Have you ever wished someone would punch Kip or Sam in the face.... well do we have a story for you!!!!This week on Transplants & The Native, Sam & Kip tell the stories of their weekend and to the surprise of some... it was much different than you would have thought. The guys talk about Sammy getting jumped last week on their way to Vail, so you don't wanna miss that.. Then after they lick their wounds, they discuss the Slow Food Nation event and the bizarre eats Kip tried (Suck It Andrew Zimmern). They may be concussed, but at least they made it to the mic for this week's episode. They tease their next guest and talk a little #StonedAppetit. Tune in, laugh a lot, and enjoy the shenanigans. #Denver #NoVacancyCO