What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

What To Ask with Andrea Olson



Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.  This week we investigate the thought process behind customer feedback methods with Andrea Olson, who guides us through the cognitive method for discovering hidden customer needs, converting them quickly into differentiators, and avoiding the pitfalls of traditional research. Trained as a behavioral scientist, differentiation strategist and customer-centricity expert, Andrea Olson teaches executives the art and science of brand differentiation through understanding customer behavior. She is a 3x book author and an ongoing contributor to multiple major publications including Entrepreneur Magazine, Chief Executive Magazine, and Rotman Business Magazine (University of Toronto). Andrea is also literally a world traveler, having worked in over 12 different countries throughout her early career. She also serves as an instructor for the University of Iowa Venture School, guest lecturer, and Business Coach for the Tippie College of Business Startup Incubator.   T