Desi Geek Girls

Interview: Sandeep Parikh & Jasmine Bhullar, DesiQuest



Creators, writers, actors, and all around desi geek icons Jasmine Bhullar & Sandeep Parikh stop by the podcast to talk all about DesiQuest. DesiQuest is a high-quality actual play Dungeons & Dragons show featuring an all South Asian cast,Support DesiQuest on KickstarterSandeep Parikh is a multidisciplinary entertainer and filmmaker. As an actor he’s appeared in popular shows like The Guild, New Girl, Californication and Community. He’s also writer and director of several digital series including the award winning interactive comedy That Moment When, Comedy Central’s The Legend of Neil, and most recently, the interactive comedy Wizard School Dropout. He wrote on and voice acted on Glitch Techs for Netflix/Nickelodeon. He’s founder and Chief Creative Officer of diversity-focused comedy house EffinFunny. @SandeepParikh @EffinFunnyJasmine Bhullar is an actress, internet personality and content creator. She is the mind behind Geek & Sundry’s Vampire: The Masquerade Starter Kit, DnDBeyond’s Battle