Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

One Bible Verse that Changed My Life - Olu Taiwo



We all have that one moment that marks our life. It is a moment of discovery that shapes our entire outlook.Over 20 years ago, I rediscovered one verse in the Bible that changed me forever. That one verse was the catalyst for my book, Uncovering the Hidden Stranger Within: Answering the Question of Identity. That one Bible verse is the foundation of our ministry.It provides answers for:1. Origin2. Identity 3. Destiny.In this video, join me as we explore this one verse together. I believe that once you discover the truth in it, your life will no longer be the same.* First clip: Courtesy of PBS News Hour at 0.43 seconds* Second clip: Courtesy of Rep. Dan Bishop at 15.25 minutes.SUBSCRIBE to Kay & Olu Taiwo’s Youtube Channel!https://www.youtube.com/c/KayOluTaiwoGet BOOK by Kay & Olu on VISION: The Vision Guided Life: God's Strategy for Fulfilling Destinyhttp://visionguidedlife.com/#order SUPPORT THIS MINISTRY FINANCIALLYhttps://www.vflm.org/join-the-clubDOWNLOAD our Bible Scholar Apphttp://thebibleschola