Musical Chairs

Wayne Mouland - Does the Sound of the Soul Have an Echo?



Wayne Mouland – Does the Sound of the Soul Have an Echo?Aired Wednesday, 28 August 2019, 12:00 PM EST / 9:00 AM PSTHe negotiated a price for 4 lives with a promise that ended up saving thousands – Wayne MoulandWayne Mouland was facing years in prison away from his 3 children and that price that was too high for him to accept. He blamed no one else for his situation and took responsibility for his actions but this time it was different. Going back to jail and living a criminal live would no longer be the road he chose. There was no guarantee that this would work, bartering with a God he didn’t know existed??? But anything was worth trying and his commitment to his desire for freedom and another chance was powerful.Wayne prayed. Wayne made promises. And when Wayne was given his second chance he kept those promises, even though he didn’t know HOW that would look, he just knew that he loved and valued his life and he would help others to find their place of peace and connection and meaning too.Founder of the Echo