Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire

Ep 80 What's the Secret to Attracting Positivity?



Have you ever wondered how some people move through life with such grace and ease even in times of turmoil? Nothing seems to keep them from being positive or attracting more positive situations to them?  What's their secret? Their secret is a daily practice of gratitude and appreciation. And when I say, "daily" I mean "daily". It isn't just some ho-hum feeling grateful for a minute and then not practicing it again for weeks.  I work with many clients in this area. We work on a daily practice of gratitude and appreciation to bring them more peace and ease in life.  I wanted to do something on a larger scale to help more people, so I created an Attract Positivity Through Gratitude and Appreciation 14-Day Challenge. I really love this challenge. It's fun, easy and sets you up for future success in attracting positivity into your life.  I would love to connect with you more inside the challenge. You can find it under the courses tab on either or or through th