Swing-trading With Ryan Mallory

Trading The Stock Market Crash of 2020



Today the stock market suffered its worst sell-off since the October 19, 1987. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by 10% today, and right behind it was the Nasdaq and S&P 500. People are panic selling as a result of the Coronavirus that is affecting the world. There is a lot of risk and politics is once again at the forefront of it all. In this podcast episode I discuss how you can weather the storms of this stock market and how your success will ultimately come down to you remaining calm and managing the risk in your trading and investing. Be sure to check out my Swing-Trading offering through Patreon that goes hand-in-hand with my podcast, offering all of the research, charts and technical analysis on the stock market and individual stocks, not to mention my personal watch-lists and regular updates on the most popular stocks, including FAANG stocks, Microsoft and Tesla. This is provided each and every week! Check it out now at: www.swingtradingthestockmarket.com