Swing-trading With Ryan Mallory

The Anatomy Of A Good Trade Setup (Part 2)



Part two of the two part series, "The Anatomy of a Good Trade Setup". In this podcast I discuss the last four parts of what I consider to be a quality trade setup. The points made in this episode can be applied to almost any vehicle of trading in the finance world, from futures, crypto, forex, options, and trading stocks. I speak to capital allocation to managing the risk and everything in between. The focus of this episode is all about find a good, quality trade setup, what it means to find a good trade setup and what all it contains and its characteristics. Be sure to check out my Swing-Trading offering through Patreon that goes hand-in-hand with my podcast, offering all of the research, charts and technical analysis on the stock market and individual stocks, not to mention my personal watch-lists and regular updates on the most popular stocks, including FAANG stocks, Microsoft and Tesla. This is provided each and every week! Check it out now at: www.swingtradingthestockmarket.com