Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 3: "Scandalous Grace" Spiritual Reality Check Week 3



To whom do you need to show grace? Do you feel they are unworthy to receive grace? Do you think others may think we are unworthy of grace? This week, we're focusing on the reality that God's grace is impossible to overstate. It is, perhaps, scandalous. But it is the greatest news... ever. That through Jesus' death and resurrection, we're accepted not because we're great, but because God so loved us that Jesus gave his life for us. We're not accepted because we have our lives together; we're accepted because of Jesus, despite our sin and failures. Let us know how we can encourage each other to live lives of Grace. Blessings. More info https://www.ebc.org Thank you for subscribing and sharing us. #eastonbiblechurch #grace #hainesportnj #spiritualrealitycheck  #amazinggrace #scandalous #scandalousgrace #lovegodserveothers