Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

The Author Platform 09-29-2022



Have you ever wondered what best-selling authors have that you don't? Have you ever wondered what are they doing to get their books on the bestseller lists? Have you ever wondered what is their secret? Wonder no more ... the answer is, in two words: AUTHOR PLATFORM. Your platform has very little to do with the actual book or books you have written. When you get your author platform in place, you sell more books, make more money, and grow a lasting fanbase. As it builds, it is a good indication of how many people have read your work, bought your books, subscribed to your emails, read your blog posts, or followed you on social media. Your takeaways include: • What a platform is. • How to get other authors and influencers to promote you and your book to their audiences... even if they don't know you from Adam today. • How to optimize your Amazon Author Central page so it makes you money • How to gain new readers and sales with Goodreads that 99% of other authors just don't know how to do Your platform inc