Angel Invest Boston

Alicia Tulsee - Moxie Scrubs



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More Nurses were a big part of the frequent medical care Alicia Tulsee’s family needed. This led to conversations about how uncomfortable, expensive and ill-fitting were the work clothes available to nurses. Moxie Scrubs was founded to solve that problem. Don’t miss this great conversation with a compelling founder.    Highlights:  Sal Daher Introduces Alicia Tulsee  Moxie Scrubs: What It's Solving  "' ... no one's created a brand for nurses and nurses have been shopping online since they received their first paycheck. This the future of the market ... '"  The Future of Moxie Scrubs  Alicia's Immigrant Founder Story  "... I actually started my first business at 19 ... Going online and early days of eBay, I found wholesalers that were selling costume jewelry and purses and handbags and things like that. I said, "Oh, man, if I can buy this stuff and resell it, I can make more money than what I would be earning on an hourly wage at the mall ...'"  Advice to the Audience   T