Mayfield Chat With Champions

The importance of letting go as a leader



Dheeraj Pandey is the co-founder and CEO of Nutanix, one of the private billion-dollar unicorns of Silicon Valley. In this episode, which closes out this first season of Chat with Champions, Dheeraj talks about his start in the technology business and about founding Nutanix, choosing an initial market, the importance of company culture, letting go as a leader, and leaving a legacy.   The full transcript is below. Sign up to be notified via email when new episodes of Chat with Champions are published using the form on the right. Subscribe in your favorite podcast client via iTunes, Stitcher, RSS, or Soundcloud using the links. Dheeraj on building a company: I think it was that important to me that to build a business that ... Play Now The post The importance of letting go as a leader appeared first on Mayfield.