Unspoiled! Orphan Black

Orphan Black, S03E10- History Not Yet Written



Maggie and I are bringing you the very last episode of Season 3 of Orphan Black, and this is a bit of a doozy. There's a lot of satisfying moments of closure, which was honestly more than I expected, and then they open a few new doors and just leave them tantalizingly ajar. The main thing that shocked me here that I wasn't prepared for at all was, of course, Delphine's fate. It's not just the fact that she got got, it was all the drama leading up to it that I just did not want to see omg what was in that guy's mouth tho seriously what is it NO DON'T TELL ME I DON'T EVEN WANT TO KNOW. Ahem. And then there's a whole other thing going on with the Castor clones, whom it appears have been culled down to the very last 2. I don't know how much time Mark has left, but we finally bid goodbye to Rudy in an oddly touching scene with Helena. And speaking of Helena...JESSE TOWING!!!!What a lovely and unexpected surprise! I'm so happy he's back! Thanks so much for listening, everyone, and I will see you soon!