Dread Media

Dread Media - Episode 790



This week on the show, Nicole Cushing returns to talk about belief in the supernatural, reading translated works. and transformation, as well as her brand new novel Mothwoman. Songs included: "I Am the Moth" by Tiger Army, "The Moth" by Death Angel, "A Dying God Coming Into Human Flesh" by Celtic Frost, and "The Sleeper" by Acid Witch. Send feedback to: dreadmediapodcast@gmail.com. Follow @DevilDinosaurJr and @dreadmedia on Twitter! Join the Facebook group! Support the show at www.patreon.com/dreadmedia. Visit www.desmondreddick.com, www.stayscary.wordpress.com, www.dreadmedia.bandcamp.com, www.kccinephile.com, and www.dejasdomicileofdread.blogspot.com.