Don Woods

The Power of the Media



On the political front I'm afraid I have totally lost my way so you have the opportunity to voice your opinion so over to you........ We haven't heard much more about the rocket which is to take off for the moon....has it gone yet? Not forgetting the other thing the boffins have sent up which successfully changed the direction of an asteroid which is good so now we are safe should one actually threaten the earth as one did millions of years ago................what this lot costs doesn't bare thinking about....but I'm sure the poverty stricken and starving folk in the world are delighted with the "success" I would like to wish Mark Owen ...from the one man band Take That.....good luck with his latest come back.....I think. the lad is somewhat misguided with his long hair and earring etc......I'm sure he is a nice chap but there is a time to call it a day. Winter is here so we are inundated with quiz shows with the same old formats....what is annoying is the presenter always asks the same question to the con