Angel Invest Boston

Mark Ribeiro - Private Equity 101



Angel Scale Biotech: Learn More Mark Ribeiro is managing partner at Juna Equity Partners in NYC, a growth equity firm that grew out of part of GE Capital. Since one of my portfolio companies was acquired by a growth equity firm, I thought it would be fun to learn more about this type acquirer. Sponsored by Purdue University entrepreneurship and Peter Fasse, patent attorney at Fish and Richardson. Highlights: Sal Daher Introduces Mark Ribeiro Angel Investing Vs. Private Equity What Juna Equity Partners is Looking For "... They basically provide autistic learning centers for kids that have been identified at an early age with autism. It's a company that when we bought it, it was still considered a somewhat niche space ... There was a change in the macro environment..." "... what private equity does is it allows companies to become more efficient, and it makes American companies, absolute world beaters..." Private Equity Investments Gone Wrong Advice to the Audience "... This is what angels do. Angels look at