Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

Why You NEVER Create The Product First



Don’t Miss: 1:50 Let me take you behind the scenes of how I created my first ever program that was a massive success but I never actually sold it 4:57 The only thing that you should be focusing on to grow your business 7:11 The “Kickstarter Campaign”  Connect With Us  Make sure to subscribe to the show, we release a new episode every Tuesday at 9am EST.  Subscribe to the Changemakers Calendar (and get a sneak preview of upcoming episodes and events) http://www.changemakersmovement.com/calendar (>>> Subscribe to The Changemakers Calendar) Want to join our Podcasting Family?  https://www.facebook.com/groups/podcasting101group/ (>>> Join The Changemakers Family (In Our Private Facebook Group)) Follow Jamie on Instagram (We LOVE When you Slide Into our DM’s)  https://www.instagram.com/jamieatkinson/ (>>> Follow Jamie on Instagram @jamieatkinson) Wanna launch your own successful podcast? We got you…  https://www.12monthsofcontent.com/podcastprofitplaybook/ (>>> Grab Our 30-Point Podcast Launch Checklist For FREE)