Entrepreneur Junkie Movement With Jamie Atkinson

EJM 5: Going from -$444 in the bank to making $46,071 In two months - with Doug Boughton



Today we've got an incredible guest on the Entrepreneur Junkie Movement Podcast... Doug Boughton went from -$444 in the bank to making $46,071 while winning the Clickfunnels Affiliate Dream Car Award in two months, without having an email list or having to run any paid ads. In today's episode we dive deep into some pretty crazy insights as to how he grew a facebook group to 2,300 members as well as shedding the TRUTH once more on how not everything you read is an overnight success story. Doug shares his story of how he's actually been using the Clickfunnels suite for over 2 years! He had to work and grind through extra jobs, working in restaurants he didn't want to work in... He even had a moment where he thought he would have to go back to his old job. His co-workers had all told him "You'll be back, just like the rest". That's when Doug knew his back was up against the wall and something amazing happened. I hope you enjoy this amazing story! Doug's also giving away free access to his Clickfunnels co