Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 8: "There Is Hope" Spiritual Reality Check Week 8



When you think of suffering, what comes to mind? Are there particular kinds of suffering that you fear more than others? Can you ever see hope in the midst of suffering?There is an inescapable fragility to our society today. Many of us take easy offense to others' words or ideas, are quick to judge, and actively avoid anything we find unpleasant or disagreeable, insulating ourselves from anything that might hurt or harm us, not only physically but emotionally as well. We don't like hard things, and life is hard. There is a brokenness to our world, a futility born out of sin, that means difficulty and suffering are literally impossible to avoid. But running from anything that's hard is not the answer. Nor is some sort of pollyannish hope.Instead, as Paul describes in Romans 5, there is another kind of hope, a resilient hope, that can give us the strength we need to endure and overcome.Our message today exports us all to find and live that special resilient hope. BlessingsCan you encourage us to live in hope de