Event Horizon

Ep 22 - Who Is The Virgin Mary - The Church’s Secret War on Women and Consciousness



PLEASE NOTE: THIS EPISODE IS MY MOST HERETICAL TO DATE. RELIGIOUS DOGMA AND REALITY ARE CHALLENGED. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. I think Dan Brown, author of the 2003 mystery thriller “Da Vinci Code,” got it wrong. The Holy Grail was is not the body (of DNA) of Mary Magdalene. The Holy Grail is the bloodline of the women who were capable of Parthenogenesis, self-conception. We are taught that Jesus was the only individual who was conceived without the aid of the male sperm, but that dogma may not be accurate. My research revealed my all of the leaders of the major religions were products of Parthenogenesis and moreover, the bloodline of Jesus was littered with figures who owe their life to only their mothers. Noah, Isaac, and Melchizedek are all Biblical figures who were said to be born through Self-Conception by their mothers. In fact, Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus, was said to have been conceived in the same way that Jesus was conceived, via Parthenogenesis.Based on these revelations, I have several ques