Event Horizon

Ep 18 - My Mandela Effect Hypothesis - Your Blood Is The Key



In Ep18, I give my hypothesis on what causes the Mandela Effect and the reason why everyone does not experience the same memories. There are tons of stories of people recalling memories that no longer exist on this plane -- Star Wars (Luke, I am your father) or Disney (Mirror, Mirror on the Wall). I argue in previous episodes that we are connected with other like souls through superposition, the superposition given to us by our DNA. DNA is the summation of our past, present, and future -- the definition of superposition. When combined with the other two parts that make up our spiritual being, Spirit (the spark) and Consciousness (slice of God), we have a complete identity -- of sorts. Our identity is separated across all dimensions and universes via this DNA or what I call "Spiritual qubits." Qubits are a quantum packet that scientist believe will give supercomputers the ability to time travel. Qubits are entangled with other Qubits across time and space and will move from their logical state when char