Matty P Radio

The 7th Annual Franken Berry Season Show! w/ Katee Sackhoff & Josh Duhamel



Take some time this week to remember your original happy hour: Saturday mornings as a kid, waking up at dawn, jumping on the couch with a bowl of chocolate cereal, turning on the ‘toons, tuning out the outside world, and working your way into a sugar hangover before noon. It’s all Frights and Delights tonight, as we get you into a blueberry marshmallow mood for this special time of year. That’s right, go out and buy your seasonal monster cereals while you can find them, cause it’s time for our “cerealized” version of a Halloween Special, The 7th Annual Franken Berry Season Primetime Special!  This year we open up the tomb and unearth two sweet delicious interviews with two sweet delicious people, KateeSackhoff (Battlestar Galactica, The Mandalorian) and JoshDuhamel (Transformers) to celebrate the release of Night of the Animated Dead, an animated remake of George A. Romero’s 1968 horror classic that’s surprisingly spooky!  Plus: a new Monsterpiece Theater episode, “Crispy” a radio drama inspired by the movi