Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

The Practice Cyclical Living: #2 of 3 in Embracing Your Co-Creative Power Series



Cyclical Living is the practice of working with the natural cycles of how the earth and the universe - and therefore us a humans (who are part of the natural world) - thrive, create and operate best. The wisdom is simple: When you harmonize yourself to the natural cycles - day, week, month and year - everything in your life (which includes career, money, relationships, work, health, wealth, practice, business, etc) comes into more alignment and harmony. It's not a pancea promising some kind of nirvana living with no stretch, stress, struggle or uncertainty. Cyclical living is the HOW we stay centered, sustained, supported and in alignment with our unique design, part and path. It's a practice for reducing anxiety and overwhelm, strengthening trust and intuition, making wise choices, exiting the burnout matrix, and gaining the power to see what is real and true. For me, understanding and practicing cyclical living as how I lead my business, advise my leadership clients, bring my dreams and intentions into form