The Food Heals Podcast with Allison Melody and Suzy Hardy

387: How to Reverse Baldness Naturally with a Hair Transplant: It's Cheaper and Easier Than You Think with Solopreneur Hour Host Michael O'Neal



For many of us, our hair is an integral part of our identity. Imagine a drummer who was a member of hair bands in his youth facing rapid hair loss in his early 50’s. That was Solopreneur Hour Host’s Michael O’Neals’ story before he flew all the way to Turkey to have a hair transplant.   While pharmaceutical solutions for hair loss do exist, they can have debilitating side effects such as erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, swelling in face, arms, hands, legs, or feet, dizziness,headaches, skin rashes, hives, and even male breast cancer   Hair transplantation on the other hand uses your own hair follicles to regrow hair on your scalp in combination with techniques like PRP (platelet-rich plasma) which uses your bodys’ own own healing system to repair itself.   In today’s episode of Food heald we will hear the riveting story of Michael’s trip to Istanbul and a natural way to regrow hair using your own hair follicles - without drugs without harsh side effects and how you can go from balding to a beauti