Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

EDI Expert Joann Wortham on improving patient outcomes through building trust



How does the healthcare industry address issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion? Healthcare systems are run on data. This data can include anything from number of falls, number of infections, to how long it takes patients to enter and leave healthcare locations. This data also shows us that the number of wrong site surgeries go up when people don't feel psychologically safe to speak up. There is a direct correlation between the level of trust and safety that people feel at work, and the lived experience of patient outcomes. In this week's episode, EDI expert, Joann Wortham tells us about her experiences in helping healthcare executives address discrimination and inequity in their field. If you've been wondering how you can move the needle and influence patient outcomes for the better, this is the episode for you.THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWHow did you decide to step out of a lucrative career into the field of EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion)? [02:26]How can an administration better understan