Iain Abernethy - The Practical Application Of Karate

Questions and Answers (podcast)



Welcome to the last podcast of 2013! This month we answer your questions! It’s been over a year since the last question and answer podcast so it’s about time we did another. Thanks to the many questions submitted, we cover a whole host of topics in a podcast that is a whopping 96 minutes long! Hopefully plenty to keep you entertained over the holiday period. Think of it as an early Christmas gift :-) Topics covered include stances, women’s self-defense, my top 5 martial arts movies, the relevance of kata in the age of MMA, high kicking vs. low kicking, weapons training, my favorite kata and why it’s my favorite, adapting technique to the circumstance and the individual, dealing with feeling de-motivated, meditation, the non-combative benefits of kata, martial arts and character development, conditioning vs. technical training, training for the over 40s, and loads more besides! I am extremely grateful for the support these podcasts receive and I hope this end of year mixed bag is something you enjoy. I’l