Iain Abernethy - The Practical Application Of Karate

The Pinan / Heian Series



 Hi All, Please find below the latest podcast! You can listen to this podcast online using this blog’s built in player, or you can download it to listen to later. In this latest podcast I cover the combative application of the Pinan / Heian series of kata. These kata are sadly often considered to be little more than a form of physical exercise for children or beginners. However, it is my view that the Pinan / Heian series do in fact represent a coherent, complete and highly effective civilian combat system. Some of the reasons for why I hold that view are covered in this podcast. This podcast includes information on the fighting style of Anko Itosu (the creator of the Pinan kata), why the Pinan kata are structured as they are, an explanation for why Itou’s opponents were said to frequently end up face down and unconscious, the combative progression that is central to the Pinan series, etc. The recent video lessons included in this blog have included instruction on how the Pinan / Heian kata counter