Preach The Word - Audio Sermons

Redeeming Eve



If the account in Judges 19 was made into a movie, it probably would have an R-18 rating or worse! It is a horrendous story of the Levite and his concubine, which displays the dire spiritual and moral state God’s people had fallen into at that time. But, what is often overlooked amid this carnage is the total and utter disregard for the humanity of the woman in the story. In this Topical message entitled 'Redeeming Eve', David looks at how Eve and womenhood has been redeemed in the New Covenant, and the place of honour that a woman - Mary - had in bearing God in flesh into our world. This radically speaks of the great value women have as God's daughters, irrespective of how culture, society or religion views them. This is a liberating message especially for women, but also carries a great challenge to men and the church in general regarding how they have treated women down through the centuries, and even to this very day. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format...