HALO Talks

Jackie Stauffer, CEO & Founder RECESS



"I'm naturally scrappy, I love a good challenge. . . I don't need to be a hero and do it alone!" says Jackie Stauffer, CEO & Founder of the innovative company, RECESS. A former college athlete, Estee' Lauder & Equinox Fitness marketing executive, RECESS was born (like many companies) from a personal frustration. "I was starting to not work out because of the whole 'waiting in line to shower!' thing. I thought there definitely had to be a better way!" states Stauffer. RECESS came out of that with the very apt tagline, "For the in-between moments." This game-changing, unique product is poised to blow up! Listen now to learn how's Jackie has gotten so far so quickly and where RECESS is going next.