Ring Of Fire Radio With Sam Seder, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And Mike Papantonio

Episode 369: (M) New Presidential Era, Media Overhaul, and The Case for Universal Basic Income



Paul Waldman, from The American Prospect, will tell us why he thinks the media will need to change the way it covers President Trump by pressuring him to tell the truth, or face getting “steamrolled.” Zöe Carpenter, from The Nation Magazine, will join us to discuss the Senate confirmation hearing on Betsy DeVos, and why Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of Education didn’t come close to making the grade. Writer and advocate for universal basic income, Scott Santens will explain how a “social security for all” plan would keep U.S. Citizens out of poverty. America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, will tell us why New Jersey Senator, Corey Booker, has ruined his chance of becoming the next Democratic Superstar. And Michael Brooks from The Majority Report will be here to rundown some of the biggest news stories of the week.