Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Neanderthal DNA made us SMART!



Did you know that all of us of European descent are part- Neanderthal? Well, it’s true. It turns out that the homo-sapiens Africanus emigrated from Africa approximately 70,000 years ago. These very warlike people encountered the Neanderthals around 75,000 years ago, and interbred with them. The Neanderthals, far from their modern stereotype of being primitive, warlike, and stupid, were actually quite peaceful, and had larger brains (and hence greater intelligence)! than our homo-sapiens ancestors. They mixed not only with homo-sapiens, but also with another extinct breed of humans, called the Denisovans, who were from the east. The DNA of Neanderthals is mixed in with modern Europeans, and also with East Asians, who have not only Denisovan blood, but also have more Neanderthal DNA than moderns of Europeans descent! Bear with me: there is a point to my ancient wanderings. The first European ebook It appears that homo-sapiens, as they emerged from Africa so long ago, were incredibly warl