Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 5: "Supersize Your Hope" A Thrill of Hope Week 4



Have you ever, in the midst of what seemed a hopeful time, seen your hopes vanquished? Your expected hope just didn’t turn out the way you had thought. If that’s happened, how did it effect you? Did you lose hope?….did it lead you to downgrade your hope for the future?In the 4th message of our “Thrill of Hope” series, Pastor Lucas shares that when our hope is based on the mercy and love God has for us, our hope can never be lost. In fact, the hope in us will continue to grow stronger. Because, we can never outhope what God can do.  And with that strengthening hope from God, we can continue to grow into the people God has created us to be, that is loving, peaceful, and generous people that can encourage others to see hope in what appears for so many to be a hopeless world. Can we encourage to grasp ahold of a hope that is both now and forever? Can you encourage us to see fully and share that hope with the world? Please Let us know. Blessings.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@e