Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

Complete & Create Your Year Clear: Avoid Overwhelm & Over-ing. Focus On What Fills You Up.



How do you want to feel as you complete this year and as you walk into and begin the next? Overwhelmed? Drained? Exhausted? Busy? Over-extended? Of course not! Yet there is so much pressure internally and externally that can create this as the reality you live vs. the one that you desire for the last and beginning weeks of the year. Since 2007, I have been talking about and writing about Holiday Overwhelm and how to avoid it. How not to get hooked by obligation. How to do things differently than what the culture says is normal, but is really kind of crazy :) But this year, I decided I wanted to ELEVATE our conversation and focus ... from the base level consciousness that keeps us stuck in cycles of end-of-the-year madness, and year-start repentance, to some things we can focus on to elevate our experience ... to ones that create a stronger sense of calm, peace, joy, fulfillment, regeneration, creativity, connection, spaciousness. You know all the stuff we see on holiday cards? Wisdom teaching: What you focus