The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly

Three Changes You Will See From Me In 2023 | Donald Kelly - 1627



In today’s episode of The Sales Evangelist, our host Donald Kelly goes into three changes he’ll make going into 2023. These three changes will help YOU to make more sales and perfect your craft as a seller. The first major change of 2023: The first upcoming change is a slight shift in branding. The podcast’s name, logo, and design will ALL remain the same. However, there will be a slight shift in branding as well as the podcast’s cover. The second major change of 2023: The second major change coming up will be the podcast emphasizing the PIPELINE, both building your pipeline and converting sales from your pipeline. The third, and final, change of 2023: The final change you can expect to see is the shift in the community. In the past, we’ve promoted our Facebook and LinkedIn communities, but those platforms will be taking a backseat. Instead, TSE is going to promote its community on a new platform called How do these changes help you as a seller? Learning to build a pipeline and close a pipel