Cornerstone Lutheran Church Fishers Sermons

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Listen to weekly sermons from Cornerstone Lutheran Church Fishers. Cornerstone Lutheran Church is a multisite congregation in Central Indiana with worship sites in Carmel, Fishers, and the Fletcher Place neighborhood in Downtown Indianapolis. Our mission is to reach out, care for, and build people towards maturity in Christ. For more information, please visit us at or on Facebook at @CornerstoneFishers.


  • Celebrate Generosity - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    As the church year begins to come to a close, we remember that Jesus is not only in our midst when we gather for worship, he is also coming again. In the mean time, we remain faithful, being watchful and joyfully, generously responding to his great...

  • Joyful Generosity - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    As the church year begins to come to a close, we remember that Jesus is not only in our midst when we gather for worship, he is also coming again. In the mean time, we remain faithful, being watchful and joyfully, generously responding to his great...

  • Transformation - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    The Reformation brought profound change to the institutional church. Simply stated, it restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ to its pre-eminent place. Then as now, this Gospel changes more than an institution, it changes people. We are transformed by...

  • Lifestyle Generosity - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    “Therefore with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven we laud and magnify your glorious name…” 
It is at that point in each communion service where we most identify ourselves in that long continuum of all the saints who ever were...

  • Putting It Into Practice - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    “As our heavenly Father has in Christ freely come to our aid, we also ought freely to help our neighbor through our body and its works, and each one should become as it were a Christ to the other that we may be Christs to one another and Christ may be...

  • Becoming Like Him - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    Vine branches grow; we see it all around us. And at a certain point, they begin to bear fruit. That’s the way of life. In our spiritual lives, God also expects us to grow, to mature in faith nourished by his Word and sacraments…and to bear fruit...

  • Alone?: Forgiveness Alone - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    The Reformation 500 years ago had a major impact on the world and the church. What a privilege to know that God has forgiven us because of Jesus! He has given his people this promise and the gift of sharing that message to the world. The office of the...

  • Alone?: Scripture Alone - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    Today, we consider the third of the three “solas” of the Reformation—that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, as found in Scripture Alone. God’s Word shows us our sins and leads us to the grace of God in Christ Jesus our Savior. Not only...

  • Alone?: Faith Alone - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    We are saved by faith alone. And by our faith in Jesus, God has accepted us. What a wonderful gift this is! We can trust in our God to lead and guide us in all things while our lives tell the story of our faith to others. We can have confidence to...

  • Alone?: Grace Alone - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    Conflict is a part of family relationships and common also in community life. That is the reality addressed in today’s Scripture readings. The prophet Ezekiel calls us to be watchmen— warning those who persist in sin because God wants all to repent...

  • Greater: Living - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    The Scripture readings today all remind us that, even when life presses down on us—at home, in relationships, at work, or while driving through construction—the Lord is there with his good Word, lifting us up and sustaining us to “bear our own...

  • Greater: Jesus the Savior - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    We live in a world surrounded by so many voices that seek to drown out the life-saving word of Almighty God. As we worship today, may we be reminded anew of the blessings that are ours through faith in Jesus as our Savior, and may we keep our eyes...

  • Greater: Jesus the Lord - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    Today’s readings remind us of a great paradox— although Jesus is our personal savior and friend, always close at hand, he is also the promised Christ, the Redeemer of the entire world, all humankind. “God wants all to be saved and to come to the...

  • Greater: Faith - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    So many forces within and without want to diminish our faith in Christ Jesus and the role that faith should play in our daily lives. Today’s readings again remind us of how God creates faith in us and then strengthens that faith through his Word and...

  • Greater: Church - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    As God’s people gather together as the Church, we come with the expectation of meeting Jesus. He has promised to bless us with his presence in Word and Sacrament. In this meeting we encounter blessings Greater than we can ever imagine! Recorded on...

  • Sinner and Saint at the Same Time - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    Our summer sermon series—Reformation Truths for Today—comes to a conclusion as we consider with Martin Luther a great paradox. Even after our baptism, we are totally sinful human beings (because of fallen nature) and yet totally righteous before God...

  • Double Citizens - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    It’s difficult for us to imagine now, but the world at the time of the Reformation was much different. The papacy wielded great power in the secular world and other earthly powers ruled matters of the Church. Martin Luther brought back the idea that...

  • It's Your Call—Vocation for Today - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    Our summer sermon series—Reformation Truths for Today—continues. A teaching of Martin Luther that has had far-reaching historical effect is his teaching on vocation. Luther taught that all Christians have callings or vocations, and that all callings...

  • Reformation Truths: The Priesthood of All Believers - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    Among the many changes which came with the Reformation was Martin Luther breaking down the wall between the clergy and laity, between the “spiritual” and “secular” classes. From Holy Scripture he argued that all of us, by our baptism into Christ...

  • God Is... The God Who Sanctifies Us - CLC Fishers (Audio)


    Our summer sermon series, “Reformation Truths for Today”, continues with our understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit as he “calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies” us and the whole Christian Church on earth. What a fascinating mystery of...

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