Jimmys Table



Conversations about faith, life, culture, and sometimes food.


  • I Want To Move To Another Country (After The Election) – Episode #194

    04/02/2024 Duración: 29min

    With every election season, someone famous will inevitably say, "If so and so gets elected, I'm going to move to another country." In this podcast, I explore the angst behind these sentiments, and what the longings of our hearts concerning the outcome of elections ultimately teaches us...

  • Joy For Everyone – Episode #193

    19/12/2023 Duración: 20min

    We live in a world that suffers from a deficit of joy. As a result, we make a lot of really bad decisions to try and fill up in what we lack. In this podcast, I look at the joy that is ultimately available for everyone....

  • Why We Love To Blame Others (Especially When Life Sucks) – Episode #192

    11/11/2023 Duración: 29min

    When life is good, we take all the credit. But when life sucks, we blame others. In this podcast, I look at why we instinctively formulate conspiracy theories against powerful people in smoke filled rooms, to explain why we can't have nice things...

  • Who Would Jesus Vote For? – Episode #191

    05/11/2023 Duración: 31min

    Would Jesus vote for Republicans, or Democrats? Trump, or Biden? As I ponder our polarized political system, in today's podcast, I wonder... would Jesus even vote at all?

  • Father Forgive Them: Thoughts On The War Between Israel And Gaza – Episode #190

    15/10/2023 Duración: 43min

    As tempting as it is to view the war between Israel and Gaza in black and white "good vs evil" type thinking, the issues are far more complex than that. In today's podcast, I attempt to look at both sides of the conflict in light of its greater historical context, as well as what I believe how some of the final words of Jesus Christ on the cross should shape our hearts and minds, as we try to understand this war as Christians.

  • The Church Has Become A Religious Show – Episode #189

    12/08/2023 Duración: 24min

    According to pastor J.D. Greear, the church has become a "religious show." An irony, that many noticed, was lost on him as he preached from a giant platform with cameras and massive TV screens surrounding him. In today's podcast, I want to talk about the recent sermon clip that went viral, and what the church can learn from it...

  • Why Are There No UFO’s In A Trailer Park Somewhere?- Episode #188

    30/07/2023 Duración: 38min

    Are aliens real? Have UFO's visited us? And what should we think of the testimony of Airforce Major David Grusch and his testimony before a house oversight committee stating that the U.S. Military has been in possession of UFO's since the 1930's? And what implications does the existence of aliens have for our faith as Christians?

  • I Don’t Want To “Own The Libs” – Episode #187

    24/06/2023 Duración: 23min

    Among political conservatives, "owning the libs" might be a favorite activity. But it's not exactly a Christian behavior. In this podcast, I examine the toxic "own the libs" DNA that exists among the political right, and propose a bold alternative to this mentality...

  • Ways To Experience God – Episode #186

    03/06/2023 Duración: 22min

    Can you experience God? Some would claim that if God exists, it would be impossible to experience Him. Yet many others would claim to have experienced the Divine. In this podcast, I talk about the different ways I believe we can experience God, and what the greatest experience we can have of God actually looks like...

  • What The Next Chapter (Of Your Life) Looks Like – Episode #185

    28/05/2023 Duración: 19min

    "And Alexander wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer." So, what do you do with your life when you've accomplished everything there is to accomplish? Especially when you desire to do nothing but engage in world conquest? What's the next chapter of your life look like? In this podcast, I talk about this existential crisis....

  • When Goodness Follows You – Episode #184

    08/04/2023 Duración: 31min

    Many of us know what it is like to suffer loss and to experience tragedy. But what about when the misfortunes of Job are suddenly reversed, and a lot of goodness suddenly comes your way? In this podcast, I talk about my recent experience with the goodness of God...

  • Where The Spirit Blows (Thinking About The Asbury Revival) – Episode #183

    19/02/2023 Duración: 37min

    Is the "Asbury Revival" a genuine move of the Spirit of God? The revival in Kentucky is receiving some sharp criticism from the left and the right. In this podcast, I want to challenge the way we think about revival and moves of the Spirit of God-- especially with the rigid frameworks we bring to the table for interpreting such things.

  • How To Escape A “Rut” (And The Gift Of Surprise) – Episode #182

    12/02/2023 Duración: 35min

    I believe we often find ourselves "stuck in a rut," not only because we've stopped growing, but because we no longer live a life that allows for "the gift of surprise." In my latest podcast, I talk about our "Groundhog Day" like existence, our need for personal growth, and why we should occasionally poke a sleeping bear. Listen!

  • Mr. Beast Heals 1,000 Blind People On YouTube! (Performative Charity) – Episode #181

    05/02/2023 Duración: 41min

    Social media influencer and YouTube star "Mr. Beast" recently paid for 1,000 blind people to receive surgery that restored their vision, and made a video about it. Some see this as "exploitation," yet others see it as nothing but someone doing good. In this podcast, I look at the criticism and defense of "performative charity."

  • The Friendship Famine (And How To Make Friends) – Episode #180

    29/01/2023 Duración: 38min

    Do you have a "best friend"? Increasingly in our culture, research shows a lot of people don't. More and more, people find themselves without meaningful friendships, both in quantity and quality. This is especially true among men. In this podcast, I explore the shift in our culture regarding friendship, and what we can do to better cultivate friendships in our lives.

  • Why Your Life Should Become A Letter (For Others To Read) – Episode #179

    22/01/2023 Duración: 34min

    I believe the long lost art of letter writing can better inform us of the type of lives we are to live. It requires a degree of openness, transparency, vulnerability, and the willingness to disclose specifics about our lives. Looking at 2 Corinthians 3:1-3, I see how the long lost art of letter writing informed the ministry of the apostle Paul, and why we should all be willing to become "living epistles," so that the story of Christ and the gospel might be better shared with others...

  • What Is Gaslighting? – Episode #178

    15/01/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    What is "Gaslighting?" Coined from the 1944 movie "Gaslight," this abusive social and psychological phenomena causes individuals to doubt their memory, perception of reality, and to gradually lose their sense of sanity. In today's podcast, I have a discussion with a victim of gaslighting, Christiaan Funkhouser, who shares his story, discusses "Gaslight" movie, and how we can identify and combat gaslighting when it appears in our lives...

  • “The Church Is A Whore (But She Is My Mother)” – Episode #177

    08/01/2023 Duración: 25min

    There's been an "exodus" from the church in the past few decades. Abuse, hypocrisy, hatred, political problems, and many other issues have caused a lot of people to leave the church and to no longer darken her doors. In today's podcast, I explore this topic in light of the saying "The church is a whore-- but she is my mother," and how that can better inform our faith, and our dealings with the church...

  • Old Dogs. New Tricks. (New Year’s Resolutions) – Episode #176

    27/12/2022 Duración: 42min

    It's said you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but in truth— you can. With people making a lot of New Year's Resolutions at this time of year, I thought it might be fun to look at how dog training might be relevant for our personal lives...

  • Should The Church Worship On This Christmas Sunday? – Episode #175

    21/12/2022 Duración: 24min

    Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. Should churches gather for worship, or close so families can celebrate the holiday at home? In this podcast, I decide to weigh in with the correct opinion on this controversial issue...

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