Salesman Podcast - The World's Biggest B2b Sales And Business Show



The Salesman Podcast is the worlds most download B2B sales and selling podcast. Will Barron interviews the worlds leading influence, body language, psychology and sales experts to give you the information YOU need to close more deals and make


  • WIN The Most Important Part Of Cold Calls | Selling Made Simple

    03/06/2022 Duración: 16min

    The fate of your deal rests in the first four seconds of the sales call. That’s it. If you can nail the first 4 seconds, often the deal is as good as yours. Why is that? It’s because of the importance of first impressions… Sales rep Sam, for example, always botched his first impressions. So, […]

  • How I Close COMPLEX Sales In A SINGLE Call | Selling Made Simple

    27/05/2022 Duración: 17min

    In sales, the general rule of thumb is, the more complex the product, the longer the sales cycle. And for some complex products, that might be true. But for others,  a single phone call is all it takes to get a deal done. I close complex training and consulting packages with some of the brightest […]

  • Never Again Wonder “Are They Going To Buy?” | Selling Made Simple

    23/05/2022 Duración: 15min

    Invisibility, flight, laser eyes… NONE of these superpowers compare to the #1 superpower for sales reps—which is the ability to read minds… Because when you can read your prospect’s mind, you can give them exactly what they’re looking for. And that means more closed deals, better commissions, and a bank account even Bruce Wayne would […]

  • Stop Letting Buyers Walk All Over You | Selling Made Simple

    20/05/2022 Duración: 14min

    Sales reps have it rough. Besides the endless slog of cold outreach, when you actually do connect with a buyer, you’re told to suck up to them. Smile, dance, give-in—do anything to win the deal. But what most reps don’t know is that there’s a better way to get what you want from your selling […]

  • INSTANT Rapport WITHOUT Being Weird | Selling Made Simple

    18/05/2022 Duración: 12min

    There’s a lot of bullshit in old school sales training. Mirroring body language, fake-as-hell urgency, uncomfortably high enthusiasm—this is what they USED to say closed deals. But in modern times, They’re all crap. They simply don’t work. And they’re scaring off your potential buyers. Instead, there are a few surprisingly simple ways you can instantly […]

  • No One Buy’s From This Type of Sales Person | Selling Made Simple

    16/05/2022 Duración: 14min

    Nobody wants to buy from a people pleaser. it’s a business killer. Now, we all want to make other people happy. We’re social animals. And caring about the opinions of others is hardwired into our brain. It’s in our DNA. But when you make the happiness of others your primary goal, it can lead to […]

  • The Pros & Cons of Working in Sales—The TRUTH | Selling Made Simple

    13/05/2022 Duración: 12min

    There are few professions that match the high risk, high reward stakes of sales. For some, this is the best way to earning true financial freedom. But for others, it’s never going to be that perfect fit. Today we’re talking about the real pros and cons of working in sales. The euphoric ups, the devastating […]

  • Upselling: Your Ticket to 67% MORE Revenue | Selling Made Simple

    11/05/2022 Duración: 16min

    Sales manager pushing you for more cold outreach to hit your quota? Not so fast. If you really want to start killing it, you need to shift away from new clients. And towards the ones you have now with upselling. In fact, done right, upselling your current customers can on average increase your sales revenue […]

  • Guess What? Future You Is Pissed... | Selling Made Simple

    09/05/2022 Duración: 12min

    Most salespeople barely hit quota. And I admit, that used to be me too. It wasn’t until I started doing one very unexpected thing that my income started to explode… I got unreasonable. And today’s video is all about why you too need to start acting a little less reasonably. Now, I’m 35. I’ve lived […]

  • 64% of Sales Rep Anxiety Comes from THIS | Selling Made Simple

    06/05/2022 Duración: 12min

    64% of sales professionals are scared of picking up the phone and calling prospects cold. And if you’re like so many other reps out there, you’re not a fan of cold calling either. But in today’s video, we’re looking at why cold calling has reps shaking in their boots. And most importantly, how you can […]

  • 5 Ways You’re SCARING Away Buyers | Selling Made Simple

    04/05/2022 Duración: 13min

    I hate to break it to you, but if your leads aren’t buying, the problem isn’t with them. It’s with you. In today’s video, we’re looking at 5 reasons your leads just won’t bite. And 5 things you can do to fix it. Now, one of the most important lessons you’re ever going to learn […]

  • 5 Tips To Become The BEST Salesperson | Selling Made Simple

    30/04/2022 Duración: 12min

    Don’t know what you’re doing in sales? You’ll be living paycheck to paycheck. Knocking it out of the park? You could earn your first million in just a few years time. So what separates the two? Well, it turns out it’s just five simple strategies. Yep, just five! And those five strategies are exactly what […]

  • What Is B2B Lead Generation Anyway? | Selling Made Simple

    25/04/2022 Duración: 10min

    Leads are the lifeblood of any business. And if you’re in sales, bringing them in isn’t just important. It’s your whole job! But what is B2B lead generation and why is it so essential? We’re tackling all that and more today. And be sure to stick around because we’re also going to talk about how […]

  • How To Cold Email Clients (BEST Cold Email Template) | Selling Made Simple

    23/04/2022 Duración: 13min

    You can’t expect to get far in sales if you aren’t at least a little skilled at crafting cold emails. So, what gets your prospects to click? How do you create subject lines that consistently earn solid open rates? And what do you need to include in your body copy to drive action? That’s exactly […]

  • The 4 MOST Important Skills in Sales | Selling Made Simple

    21/04/2022 Duración: 18min

    Don’t be fooled—excelling in sales isn’t about having the right talents. Instead, it takes work to develop the skills you need to crush it. In this video, I’m taking you through the four most important skills in sales that, once developed, will skyrocket you to an entirely new realm of success. Now before we get […]

  • 5 STUPID Sales Questions That COST You Sales | Selling Made Simple

    19/04/2022 Duración: 12min

    Asking the right questions builds rapport, influences buyers, and seals deals like gangbusters. But asking the wrong questions is sinking your sales numbers like a 20-ton anchor. In this video, we look at five stupid sales questions that are costing you sales and cutting your chances of closing off at the knees. Now, qualifying leads […]

  • Stop Selling Start Closing | Selling Made Simple

    16/04/2022 Duración: 12min

    Among all the challenges sales reps face day in and day out, closing is often said to be the hardest to manage. And it’s true—being an effective closer is key to killing it in this industry. But there’s more to closing than most reps think. And there are ways to make closing easier, more effective, […]

  • How To Convince A Someone To Buy From You | Selling Made Simple

    14/04/2022 Duración: 12min

    As a sales rep, it’s your job to convince the buyer that you’ve got the solution to their problems. But how exactly do you get a sales lead from the point of zero product awareness to enthusiastic buyer? Today we’re talking about perhaps the most foundational of all sales techniques—how to convince a customer to […]

  • 5 Most Powerful Sales Questions Ever | Selling Made Simple

    12/04/2022 Duración: 13min

    Communication—it’s a delicate art when talking with potential buyers. Ask the right questions, you’re driving enthusiasm and closing successfully. But ask the wrong ones and you’re sabotaging deals and looking like a fool doing it. That’s why in this video, we’re covering the 5 most powerful sales questions. From discovery calls a d demos to […]

  • 6 Things Rich People Buy That The Poor Don't | Selling Made Simple

    09/04/2022 Duración: 16min

    We’ve all seen the glamorous toys rich people buy—the luxury cars, the decked-out jewelry, the quintuple decker yachts. But what about the things rich people buy to grow their wealth? To become richer? That’s what we’re looking at today—the top 6 things rich people buy that poor people don’t. And if you’re looking for a […]

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