Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance



Free fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging and cutting-edge health advice from! Tune in to the latest research, interviews with exercise, diet and medical professionals, and an entertaining mash-up of ancestral wisdom and modern science, along with Q&A's and mind-body-spirit optimizing content from America's top personal trainer.


  • The NAD Supersode: All Ben's Crazy Questions About NAD, Natural Ways To Increase NAD, Living To 120 With NAD & More With Matt Titlow & Michael Roberts

    04/11/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    Time and time again, I'm reminded that it's the microscopic intricacies of my body (and yours!) that have monumental effects on my performance, longevity, and well-being.  And Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) status is one of the "biggest" smallest molecules to consider. NAD+ is a molecule of paramount necessity to mitochondrial function, energy production, and yes, aging. Your NAD+ status is one of the most important things to consider not only for your longevity but for your energy and well-being.  Because NAD+ is at the forefront of the health and wellness industry right now, and because I've gotten so many questions about it, I recently published a comprehensive article titled "Everything You Need To Know About NAD+: The Crucial Role It Plays In Your Mitochondrial Health, How NAD+ Slows Down Aging & Increases Energy, Ways To Increase NAD+ Using Lifestyle, Why NAD+ Precursors May Be Problematic & A Safe, Cost-Effective Oral NAD+ Supplement Strategy." Today, I'm following up on that article

  • The Surprising Truth About Coffee & Heart Attacks, How Sulfur Can Rescue Your Arteries, Better Erections Naturally & More With The Natural Heart Doctor Jack Wolfson.

    02/11/2023 Duración: 01h16min

    After a recent cardiovascular wake-up call, my quest for optimal heart health led me straight to Dr. Jack Wolfson. You might recognize him as the board-certified cardiologist who’s been transforming the world of heart health with a natural approach, and whose book, The Paleo Cardiologist: The Natural Way to Heart Health, skyrocketed to an Amazon #1 best-seller. If you've ever had an inkling that the route to heart health might not lie solely in pharmaceuticals, Dr. Jack's work and message will probably resonate. Once immersed in the conventional world of cardiology, performing coronary angiograms and pacemakers, his life took a holistic turn after meeting his chiropractic wife, Heather. Together, they are not just a force in the medical world but also pillars of philanthropy. With four children, their mission extends beyond medicine; they are ardent advocates for a better world, channeling their efforts into providing for those in need, championing animal rights, and passionately promoting natural health caus

  • Everything You Need To Know About How To Use Music For Exercise, Stress, Anxiety, Pain, Sleep, Immunity, Intelligence-Building & More!

    28/10/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    I have finally fulfilled my “bucket list” dream of recording an album in Nashville! See, I grew up in a very musical family, played the violin for many years, sang in a rock band in high school, sang in the church choir in college, and interviewed amazing music icons like Rick Rubin. Despite not being anything like a “professional musician,” I still love music - whether that be writing and singing my own original songs, singing praise songs and hymns at church, or busting out some Coldplay or Jelly Roll or Elevation Worship or Chris Stapleton (yeah I dig a weird mix of contemporary, pop, Christian, and country) while driving down the highway. It’s no secret that music is, and always has been, a huge passion of mine. I use music for relaxation, for medicine, for energy, for sleep, for worship, and as a creative outlet for the words and tunes that seem to swirl around my mind at least once a week. Now, one of my “side projects” of late has been creating my own music via original singing-songwriting, and, as a r

  • Why Your Multivitamin Probably Has The Wrong Ingredients In It, Statin Confusion, The Best Kind Of Weight Training For Longevity & More.

    26/10/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    Picture yourself in your mid-70s, feeling as though you're at the prime of your life.  Yes, it's possible. Meet Warren Matthews, a 76-year-old researcher, a pioneer in the field of natural health, and a living testament to the age-defying benefits of his work. Born in Christchurch, New Zealand, the son of a carpenter, Warren's path has been remarkable. For over 40 years, he's been a driven entrepreneur with a passion for technological innovation and environmental sustainability, successfully establishing multiple businesses along the way. Around two decades ago, Warren's unwavering interest in health and well-being led him to channel his energy and resources into the field of natural health. In 1998, he, alongside his son, Lance Matthews, embarked on a journey that would ultimately result in the creation of Xtend-Life Natural Products in 2000. Today, Xtend-Life is celebrated as one of New Zealand's business success stories, known for its commitment to purity, innovative formulations, and competitive pricing.

  • Demystifying The Ultimate Biohacked Skin Care Routine, Why You May Want To Think Twice About Skin Lasers, Fringe Skin Ingredients You’ve Never Heard Of & More

    21/10/2023 Duración: 01h18min

    In a world obsessed with quick fixes, there's often profound value in taking the long road—and this certainly applies when it comes to skincare. Through his skincare brand Young Goose, Amitay Eshel is sending out a clarion call: lasting beauty isn't about the overnight miracles but the long-term care you invest in your skin. Amitay isn't your typical CEO. With a history in biohacking, beauty, and business consultation, he's channeled a decade's worth of executive wisdom into a brand that is redefining skincare. As a pioneer of the world's first biohacking skincare company, Amitay is bridging performance optimization with skin health. Think of Young Goose's innovative solutions as an invitation for your skin to function at its peak. The results? A staggering 95% of their clientele can't resist coming back, with over 90% witnessing significant results in just a matter of weeks. But it's not just the numbers; each Young Goose product is an emblem of science-backed integrity, setting a gold standard in the beauty

  • Staying Fit With Sunshine & Blood Flow Restriction, The Superiority Of Goose Eggs, The Latest On EMF Protection, Is Vegetable Oil The Root Cause Of Most Modern Diseases?

    19/10/2023 Duración: 01h15min

    Health and wellness are vast arenas, but a few figures cut through the noise with their pioneering insights and transformative impacts. Dr. Joseph Mercola is undeniably one of them. Hailing from Chicago, Dr. Mercola's multifaceted journey encompasses marathon feats and leadership roles at prestigious institutions like St. Alexius Medical Center. Dr. Mercola is the author of 15 books, with his most recent book, “The Truth About COVID-19”, being a national bestseller on Amazon, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly. Three of his books have also been included in The New York Times Best Sellers list, namely Effortless Healing, The No-Grain Diet, and The Great Bird Flu Hoax. In the 1990s, Dr. Mercola recognized the monumental potential of holistic, preventative health measures. This revelation gave birth to in 1997, a sanctuary for those drawn to a natural approach to wellness. Beyond being a top-ranking health website, it stands as a bastion against misinformation, challenging narrativ

  • The New Probiotic Strain That Allows You To Eat Carbs Again, How GLP-1 Peptide Actually Works And Why It's Not Intended For Everyone

    14/10/2023 Duración: 51min

    You might've heard me say it before: "The gut is the second brain." With over two decades of leadership in biotech, pharma, and academia, my guest on today's show, Colleen Cutliffe, is gut-deep :) in microbiome knowledge. Her path, spanning from the hallowed halls of Johns Hopkins University to groundbreaking initiatives at Pacific Biosciences and Elan Pharmaceuticals, showcases an unyielding curiosity about the mysteries of the human body. Now, as the driving force behind Pendulum Therapeutics, Colleen is charting new territories in the world of the microbiome. Akkermansia muciniphila, one of Pendulum's products, is a unique oval-shaped bacterium that thrives in the human gastrointestinal tract. This anaerobic microbe predominantly resides at the junction between oxygen-rich and oxygen-depleted zones of the intestines. Found in about 90% of healthy individuals, it constitutes 1% to 3% of your fecal microbiota. However, its prevalence can decrease with age or certain diseases. In today's chat, Colleen unravel

  • Biohacking Endurance, Running On LSD, Crazy Smart Drugs, Burning Massive Amounts Of Fat Vs. Carbs & Much More With Ultrarunner Anthony Kunkel

    12/10/2023 Duración: 01h25min

    Today, I invite you on a journey – not through the physical terrains that typically beckon a runner, but through the untrodden trails of the mind and soul of an extraordinary athlete. Picture an elite runner – what comes to mind? Speed, competition, and perhaps, an unyielding will to win. Now meet Anthony Kunkel. He's swiped titles like the 2017 USATF 50-Mile Road National Champion and the 2018 100-kilometer Road National Champion. But for Kunkel, it's not merely about the race; it's about the transformative journey of biohacking, self-discovery, and deepening spirituality. From the heart of the vibrant mountain town of Durango, Colorado, Anthony founded UltraHouse Durango – a sanctuary for endurance and a testament to his vision of holistic performance. In today's conversation with Anthony, we're venturing beyond the miles and the shoes. Dive into the intricacies of Kunkel's unique food and training strategies, uncover the magic behind his pre-race routines, and gain insights into his experiments with nootro

  • A Near-Death Ecstasy Experience, Passing Up The UFC, Plant Medicine In Christianity & Much More

    07/10/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    From the screen glow of an 80's television showcasing Chinese Kung Fu theater to the vibrant arenas of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Mortal Kombat," Jeff Durbin's life reads like a reel of adrenaline-packed sequences. But it wasn't all triumphant rounds and ninja moves; there were battles far more internal and daunting, fights that transcended the visible world. You might recognize Jeff from the History Channel's "The Stoned Ages," where he took a candid, Christian stance on addiction, or from the documentary film A Storm Comes Rolling Down The Plain. Jeff co-hosts Apologia Radio and Apologia TV, both of which garner followers throughout the U.S. and internationally. (You can find these shows via Apologia Studios). A World Champion martial artist with five black belts, Jeff even appeared as a fighter in MTV’s “The Final Fu.” Not long after Jeff was married, he began to develop a drug addiction that put a severe strain on his marriage. His alcohol and drug consumption grew to surpass all other priorities

  • Why You Should Try Sleeping On The Floor, The "Furniture-Free" Home, Building A Better Butt, Smartphone Solutions & More With Katy Bowman.

    05/10/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    Ah, the intrigue of human movement! Think back to that fleeting moment when you watched a dancer glide effortlessly through a routine or marveled at the precision of an Olympic gymnast. Movement, in its many forms, has the uncanny ability to capture your attention and leave you yearning for more. Now, what if I told you the key to unlocking the secrets of movement lies in understanding the spaces you live in, the furniture you use, and even the shoes you wear? Bestselling author, speaker, and leader of the "Movement movement," biomechanist Katy Bowman is a thought leader guiding thousands towards a more enriched, dynamic way of life. Katy teaches movement globally and has written nine previous books on the importance of a diverse movement diet, including Move Your DNA, Dynamic Aging, and Grow Wild. Her latest book, Rethink Your Position, is a much-needed guide to how your body moves and why you need to prioritize more movement to offset the harms of living in a sedentary culture. Named one of Maria Shriver’s

  • What Doctors Won't Tell You About Your Thyroid, Little-Known Hacks To Improve Thyroid Function, The Best Thyroid Supplements & Much More With Dr. Amie Hornaman

    30/09/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    Every once in a while, a personal story serves as a stark reminder that your body, while resilient, isn't infallible. Sometimes, it sends signs—like unexpected weight gain before a major event or constant fatigue—that something's off. But what if those signals are misunderstood? Or worse, overlooked? Meet Dr. Amie Hornaman, doctor of clinical nutrition and host of the top-rated podcast in medicine and alternative health The Thyroid Fixer™, with listeners around the globe. The title of "The Thyroid-Fixer" didn’t just fall into Dr. Amie's lap; she earned it. Not only through her groundbreaking work but because she knows the frustration of being misdiagnosed, not once or twice, but six excruciating times. It's not just about the wrong diagnosis; it's the emotional upheaval, the self-doubt, and grappling with a system that often doesn't look beyond the superficial. But adversity has a way of shaping trailblazers. The founder of The Institute for Thyroid and Hormone Optimization, an organization with transformatio

  • Q&A 462: Ben's Latest Smoothie Recipe, How To Get Your Body To Sleep In Later, Should You Ice Sore Muscles, Do Lifewave Patches Really Work & More.

    28/09/2023 Duración: 50min

    News Flashes Cheap baking soda hack for exercise performance: Sodium bicarbonate acts by attenuating the suppressive effects of acidosis on muscle contractility and elicits an ergogenic effect on muscular endurance, power, and velocity: Ergogenic Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate on Resistance Exercise: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study - take 0.3 g/kg body weight and you can split it into small doses in the 2 hrs. leading up to a workout (e.g. sipping on bicarb water)...13:27 How to get your body to sleep in later: Here’s a cool way to reset your circadian clock if you find yourself going to bed later than you want. Go and eat a solid breakfast in the morning rather than fasting or skipping breakfast (bonus points if you can include 30 to 40 g of protein, amino acids, or collagen with that meal). Early Time-Restricted Eating Advances Sleep In Late Sleepers: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial...33:49 To ice or not to ice? Some claim that icing will inhibit recovery… But here’s the latest

  • Walking Towards Change: Michael Gillespie and Randy Haacke of World Vision On Making A Global Impact.

    23/09/2023 Duración: 01h01min

    During your time listening to these two change makers, you’ll learn more about: World Vision Foundation’s Core Philosophy: Discover the guiding principles and actions that define this global humanitarian organization. The Walk for Water Initiative: Dive deep into this inspirational campaign, its origin, and its lasting impact on global communities. Innovative Collaborations: Learn about World Vision’s unique partnership with Sesame Street, aiming to inculcate essential hygiene practices in the younger generation. However, this conversation is not merely an informative session. It's an opportunity for you to understand the vast network of operations, initiatives, and collaborations that World Vision has cultivated over the years. As you navigate through these discussions, you’ll gain a comprehensive perspective on the organization's dedication to global humanitarian efforts, their practical strategies for change, and the various avenues through which you can contribute and become part of their mission. This

  • A Field Trip To A Cutting-Edge Biohacking Facility That Treats Your Body As An Electrical Machine

    21/09/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    In a previous podcast episode with Dr. Beth McDougall entitled "The Future Of Biohacking Fitness, Longevity, Recovery & More With Beth McDougall.", Beth and I discussed a fascinating Bay area biohacking facility that she co-founded called "JYZEN." JYZEN is a complete wellness destination service where integrative medicine, resonance science, and technology come together. At JYZEN, there is an unrivaled array of fitness and longevity technologies under one roof to provide access to the best proactive health and anti-aging science the world has to offer, helping patients and clients chart their personal paths through carefully curated and coached lifestyle design, powered by a medically supervised and data-driven approach. Their services include a biometrics lab, soundwave and electromagnetic medical technologies, hot and cold plunge pools, biomechanical movement assessments and corrections, a suite of hyperbaric oxygen chambers, red light beds, bodywork and massage, IVs, peptides, neurological and brain op

  • Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels, Hidden Secrets Of The Vatican, The Coming Superhuman Race & Much More With Tim Alberino.

    16/09/2023 Duración: 01h12min

    Timothy Alberino isn't your everyday explorer. With a title like "the modern-day Indiana Jones," he goes beyond the tales of cinematic adventure to seek out the world's deepest secrets. From lost cities and civilizations to legendary creatures, Timothy's expeditions delve into the paranormal and beyond. Known as a modern-day Indiana Jones, my guest on this podcast, Timothy Alberino is a consummate and quite controversial explorer of all things paranormal and beyond. This isn’t Hollywood fiction—it’s Timothy’s reality. His relentless quest has taken him across the planet, from the dense jungles of the Amazon to the looming mountains of Tibet, unearthing relics of lost civilizations and chasing tales of mythical creatures. Check out his book, Birthright: The Coming Posthuman Apocalypse and the Usurpation of Adam's Dominion on Planet Earth, a tome that not only captures his findings but challenges its readers to look at the world differently. In our discussion today, Timothy will take you on a journey through hi

  • Rapamycin For Age Reversal: Everything You Need To Know (& Why Most People Are *Wrong* About True Gut Health!)

    14/09/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    Lately, I've been venturing down the rabbit hole of longevity and the marvels of anti-aging science... ...and there's a compound that keeps leaping out at me from every corner, fascinating me: Rapamycin. With its potent claims in enhancing life and battling the deteriorating effects of age, I decided to dig deeper, and that's when I stumbled upon Ross Pelton's groundbreaking book Rapamycin: Rapamycin, mTOR, Autophagy & Treating mTOR Syndrome. Rapamycin, an FDA-approved drug, has significant potential for life extension, as highlighted in the text. After thorough research, I decided to start taking a 5mg dose of Rapamycin weekly. The man behind the book, Ross Pelton, is a prodigy in the field of health and longevity. An esteemed pharmacist, nutritionist, and author, Ross has established himself as a stalwart in the domain of drug-induced nutrient depletions, even being recognized as one of America's top 50 influential pharmacists. A treasure trove of knowledge, Ross's background spans over three decades of

  • Q&A 461: Spicy Stuff For Fat Loss, The Power Of "Micro-Workouts", Growing A Bigger Penis, Are Bluetooth Headphones Bad For You & Much More!

    09/09/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    Spicy stuff for fat loss? The effects of capsaicin intake on weight loss among overweight and obese subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials - also seems to help with performance! Effects of different phenylcapsaicin doses on resistance training performance, muscle damage, protein breakdown, metabolic response, ratings of perceived exertion, and recovery: a randomized, triple-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover trial...6:51 Penis optimization research - super interesting that my friend and former podcast guest Dr. Judson Brandeis has been able to safely and effectively grow healthy men’s penises almost an inch in length, a half an inch in girth, and significantly improve erectile function. Geez: Increasing Penile Length and Girth in Healthy Men Using a Novel Protocol:The P-Long Study...15:22 Yet another surprising benefit of daily “micro workouts”: reduced cancer risk - Vigorous Intermittent Lifestyle Physical Activity and Cancer Incidence Among Nonexercising Adults..

  • Royal Jelly For Fertility, Propolis For Boobs, The Little-Known Benefits Of "Superfood Honey" & Much More

    07/09/2023 Duración: 55min

    From the bustling corridors of Goldman Sachs to the humming fields of bee apiaries, my guest today, Carly Stein Kremer, took a path that defies convention.  The link is a chance discovery of propolis (the "immune system" of a beehive) during her travels abroad, which didn't just alleviate her long-standing health woes but redefined her entire life's mission. Now, instead of stock charts, Carly's world revolves around bee charts, and instead of fiscal health, she's dedicated to championing the incredible health benefits of bees and their offerings. Carly's not just another entrepreneur; she's a bee ambassador. She's a voice for sustainable beekeeping, advocating for our planet's key pollinators in ways many overlook. And it's not just about making a product through her company Beekeeper’s Naturals; it's about a holistic approach – partnering with responsible apiaries, researching with top bee institutions, and ensuring that every product that carries the Beekeeper’s Naturals name stands up to rigorous, pestici

  • Fringe Minerals From Dirt & Why You Need Them: The Full Story Behind Fulvic & Humic Acid, With BEAM Mineral's Caroline Alan.

    02/09/2023 Duración: 58min

    In today's episode, you'll delve into the fascinating world of minerals – those seemingly tiny elements that play such a gargantuan role in the functioning of your body. Enter Caroline Alan, a mineral enthusiast who transformed her life and health through the sheer power of mineral replenishment. I first learned about Caroline and her work from my good friend Dr. Matt Cook during a trip to San Jose. Caroline's story resonated deeply with me, and I knew it was one you'd appreciate. Once thriving in the corporate realm, Caroline found her health spiraling out of control. Desperate for answers and repeatedly told her ailments were "just normal," she embarked on a quest for healing. This journey led her to a crucial realization: the profound impact of minerals, especially plant-based humic and fulvic substances. From insomnia and adrenal depletion to transformative recovery, Caroline's story underscores the power of the right minerals at the right time. As we navigate this conversation, we'll unravel Caroline's p

  • Why You Worry About Stuff, Wake Up Earlier Than You Want To & Get Bored Easily: Unlock The Secrets Of Your Genes To Reverse Disease, Slow Aging & Achieve Optimal Wellness

    31/08/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    On today's episode, Kashif Khan is back to discuss his new book The DNA Way: Unlock the Secrets of Your Genes to Reverse Disease, Slow Aging, and Achieve Optimal Wellness - which I've just finished reading - along with some intriguing new insights on customizing your exercise, diet, lifestyle, and more using the power of genetics. In this riveting discussion with Kashif Khan, the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of The DNA Company, we'll unpack the remarkable advances in DNA testing technology and how the realm of interpretation has evolved tremendously in recent years. We'll also delve into the profound connections between genes and dietary choices, question the true value of whole genome tests, and take a closer look at my very own genetic makeup. Kashif also elucidates the intriguing intersection of spirituality and your genetic blueprint. From understanding the intricacies of your DNA to tailoring a life that's in tune with your genetic code, this episode is your golden ticket to the cutting-edge world

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