SermonAudio Classics



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  • United Prayer Meeting 1

    13/12/2022 Duración: 22min
  • A Man Called 'Help'

    06/12/2022 Duración: 03min

    This video was approved for publication by the family.--I recently visited a long-time friend in the hospital who would only have a few short hours to live. He was one who showed kindness and help to me as a young man over 30 years ago. After visiting with him, my memory was flooded with scenes of how my life was during that period -- before marriage, and before SermonAudio. --One of my pet projects at the time was producing an unabridged audio drama for Pilgrim's Progress. Ralph Anderson actually played the part of the character 'Help' which he embodied perfectly. This gave me pause to consider the tremendous help we have been receiving from friends and family who supported us in our latest effort to construct The Vault.--THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP.--Learn's Progress Audio

  • A Table of Prayer

    27/11/2022 Duración: 04min

    It took an entire crew of staff and volunteers to carefully carry this beautiful yet beast of a 12-foot, 300-pound conference table into THE VAULT on the campus of BJU. Hats off to master craftsman, John Fulton of SUMMIT DESIGN, who designed and built this solid BLACK WALNUT masterpiece.--It is a very important table to us not just because we need a place around which we can meet and talk about the work that we do. But it is our hope and prayer that around this table God's people will gather together to pray. --Acts 6-4 reads, -We will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.- The business of THE VAULT is to protect our ability to perpetually broadcast the Good Seed of the Word all over the world. But it is also our desire to invite students and visitors to gather with us each day to pray for the revival of the church and the advancement of Christ's kingdom on the earth.--Help us FILL THE WITH for the confer

  • We're Not Desperate!

    26/11/2022 Duración: 01min

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  • In All the World

    06/11/2022 Duración: 02min

    WHAT IS THE VAULT- In a word, we want to protect our ability to propagate sound preaching all over the world. --But why is preaching so ineffective in our day- As we learn from Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones, we must not only prophesy to the bones, but also speak to the wind. Preaching is not enough. There must also be earnest prayer.--One of the most important features we have at The Vault is a large display that shows where people are listening to sermons all over the world in real-time. This gospel of the kingdom is being preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations. --Although we are still trying to raise the funds needed to fill the entirety of the server racks, The Foundations Conference in December 8-9 will mark the official opening of The Vault. We hope you will be able to pray with us and rejoice with us.--Help us FILL THE for the

  • First Sermons

    11/10/2022 Duración: 03min

    These were some of the first sermons uploaded to SermonAudio on Monday, May 1, 2000.--At that time, the magnetic cassette tape was the dominant medium for distributing recorded sermons. Over the years, the methods of recording, distributing and listening have gone though many changes but the message still remains the same.--SermonAudio has embarked on an ambitious project to protect and preserve sound preaching for posterity. Prayerfully consider how you can assist us in this effort.--Help us FILL THE

  • Does Christ Have All of You?

    28/09/2022 Duración: 06min

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  • Fill the Racks @ The Vault

    04/09/2022 Duración: 07min

    This video helps explain everything about The Vault project. Please share it with your church and consider supporting us in this effort. We must work together to fill these racks.--We have laid the foundation and are now ready to fill these racks to the hilt with all the servers, switches, and storage arrays necessary to operate SA independently from Big Tech. --I want you to understand just how miraculous this is. In an age of virtual machines and remote everything, these are real bare metal servers that we're setting up. This is what it takes to protect sermons in this CANCEL CULTURE age. --Help us FILL THE

  • Praying in the Face of Death

    21/08/2022 Duración: 02min

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  • The Early Church Didn't Have Youth Groups

    21/08/2022 Duración: 01min

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  • The First Rack

    09/08/2022 Duración: 04min

    This past week was pretty historic for us. --We finally reached a point in our journey where we were able to setup our first rack in The Vault. We have been given the all-clear to move in and we've not wasted a single minute. We're putting together tables, chairs, and things to fill the wall. But we've also been busy setting up our first batch of servers and storage arrays. It's finally coming along, and we couldn't be more excited. --It's an answer to prayer.--It is our desire to have an official opening of The Vault at the upcoming Foundations Conference Dec 8-9, 2022 on the campus of Bob Jones University in Greenville SC. This year, we will have another powerful lineup of diverse speakers including, Steven Lawson, Paul Washer, Clarence Sexton, Joel Beeke, Steve Pettit, and John McKnight. In addition, we will be including a special Q-A session involving the following Christian business leaders---- A senior quantitative analyst who was involved as a whistleblower of the Enron scandal.-- A successful entrepre

  • My Ark Encounter

    24/07/2022 Duración: 04min

    I had a chance to visit the Ark Encounter and enjoyed an extended meeting with Ken Ham as we discussed the incredible work of Answers in Genesis over the years. Witnessing the magnitude of the life-sized Noah's Ark in-person is truly a sight to behold. I also had the opportunity to share our burden of THE VAULT to protect ourselves against cancel-culture.--The thing that impressed me the most about my visit was learning how God brought the right people at the right time for the construction of this monumental project. Thankfully, we are seeing this demonstrated as well with the construction of the Vault. God is good.--Learn more

  • The Power of a Single Sermon

    10/07/2022 Duración: 04min

    On July 8, 1741, Jonathan Edwards preached his now-famous sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, preached to his own congregation in Northampton, Massachusetts.--The preaching of this sermon was the catalyst for the First Great Awakening. Like Edwards' other works, it combines vivid imagery of Hell with observations of the world and citations of Biblical scripture. It is Edwards' most famous written work, is a fitting representation of his preaching style, and is widely studied by Christians and historians, providing a glimpse into the theology of the First Great Awakening of c.-1730-1755. -Wikipedia---It is indeed a powerful sermon that God was pleased to use for His glory over 280 years ago. I find it amazing what a single sermon can do. It reminds me of the bit of history that I learned while visiting Saint Andrews, Scotland. After a -fiery sermon- by John Knox at Trinity Church, the people began tearing down the immense Catholic cathedral down the street that was 100 years in building. The power of

  • Clip: We Will Reign With Him

    03/07/2022 Duración: 04min

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  • Clip: Finding Your Identity

    02/07/2022 Duración: 01min

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  • Roe vs Wade Reversed, Pray!

    26/06/2022 Duración: 03min

    Something amazing happened on June 24, 2022. Roe vs Wade was reversed by the Supreme Court, after almost 50 years and over 60 million lost lives through abortion.--Ezekiel 10-1-10 reveals to us the imagery of the Valley of Dry Bones. The prophet was instructed to preach to the bones but that only went so far. The bones came together and formed bodies, but there was still no life in them. He was then instructed to pray to the wind in order to have the breath of heaven bring these bones to life.--We are constructing the Vault on the campus of BJU in order to protect our ability to -preach to the bones- scattered throughout the four corners of the earth. However, we need to also be diligent to -pray to the wind- to come from the four winds and breathe upon that which is dead. --As wonderful as it is that Roe vs Wade was reversed, it doesn't change the soul of a nation. Please help us as we seek to utilize the Vault space to both -preach to the bones- AND -pray to the wind.---Learn more

  • Q&A: Any Closing Remarks?

    18/06/2022 Duración: 01min

    While visiting Scotland in 2022, I had the privilege of speaking with and praying with William MacLeod, one of the last remaining eyewitnesses of the Isle of Lewis revival during the early 1950s.

  • Q&A: How Were the Prayer Meetings?

    18/06/2022 Duración: 01min

    While visiting Scotland in 2022, I had the privilege of speaking with and praying with William MacLeod, one of the last remaining eyewitnesses of the Isle of Lewis revival during the early 1950s.

  • Q&A: What Was Life Like During Revival?

    18/06/2022 Duración: 01min

    While visiting Scotland in 2022, I had the privilege of speaking with and praying with William MacLeod, one of the last remaining eyewitnesses of the Isle of Lewis revival during the early 1950s.

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