Diabetes Discourse



The prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased to more than 8% of the US population, and this growth trend is expected to continue. Advances in diabetes care remain at the forefront of treatment. Diabetes Discourse features the latest developments, from new insulin therapies to exciting research and promising technology.


  • Can Generic Drugs Be Repurposed for COVID-19 Treatment?


    Host: John Buse, MD, PhD Guest: Carolyn Bramante Emerging research has shed light on the possibility of generic drugs being repurposed for the treatment of COVID-19. Dr. John Buse discusses metformin, ivermectin, and fluvoxamine with Dr. Carolyn Bramante, an Assistant Professor in the Division of Geriatrics, Palliative and Primary Care at the University of Minnesota Medical School.

  • A Fight Against Obesity: Evaluating Clinical Data from the SURMOUNT-1 Trial


    Host: John Buse, MD, PhD Guest: Ania Jastreboff, MD, PhD In the ongoing battle against obesity, what does the SURMOUNT-1 study tell us about the role of tirzepatide? Dr. Ania Jastreboff, who is an Associate Professor of Medicine and the co-director of Weight Management and Obesity Prevention Program at Yale School of Medicine, chats with Dr. John Buse and this study’s findings.

  • Heart Failure Consensus Report: A Review of ADA Recommendations


    Host: John Buse, MD, PhD Guest: Rodica Pop-Busui, MD, PhD The American Diabetes Association (ADA) published a new consensus report with the American College of Cardiology on heart failure in patients with diabetes. What does this report recommend—and how will these recommendations impact clinical practice? Dr. John Buse speaks with Dr. Rodica Pop-Busui from the University of Michigan about these updated heart failure recommendations.

  • Exploring AACE Updates on the Management of NAFLD & NASH


    Host: John Buse, MD, PhD Guest: Kenneth Cusi, MD, FACP, FACE The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE) released new recommendations for the diagnosis and management of NAFLD and NASH. To learn more about these updates, Dr. John Buse speaks with Dr. Kenneth Cusi, who is the Chief of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism in the Department of Medicine at the University of Florida.

  • The IRIS Trial: Reviewing Results & Taking a Look at Pioglitazone


    Host: John Buse, MD, PhD Guest: David Spence, MD Pioglitazone was studied in the Insulin Resistance Intervention after Stroke trial, or IRIS for short. What do we need to know about it? Joining Dr. John Buse to share background and clinical data of the impacts observed is Dr. David Spence, a Professor Emeritus of Neurology and Clinical Pharmacology at Western University and the Director of the Stroke Prevention and Atherosclerosis Research Center in London, Ontario.

  • Investigating Interventions: The Role of Lifestyle Changes in Preventing Diabetes


    Host: John Buse, MD, PhD Guest: Samuel Dagogo-Jack, MD, DSc Intensive lifestyle interventions have shown to, if not prevent, significantly delay the onset of diabetes. But what do we need to know about these interventions? Joining Dr. John Buse to share clinical data and unravel the impacts of interventions in prediabetic patients is Dr. Samuel Dagogo-Jack from the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center.

  • Exploring A New Anti-Obesity Treatment


    Host: John Buse, MD, PhD Guest: Domenica M. Rubino, MD The obesity epidemic affects millions of patients around the world, but a new treatment option may be a game-changer for the treatment landscape. Lead author of the STEP 8 clinical trial, Dr. Domenica Rubino, joins Dr. John Buse to share the insights from this drug trial and how these key clinical findings may impact the obesity treatment landscape.

  • Exploring the Deintensification of Hypoglycemia-Inducing Medications


    Host: John Buse, MD, PhD Guest: Anastasia-Stefania Alexopoulos, MBBS, MHS Dr. John Buse joins Dr. Anastasia-Stefania Alexopoulos, an endocrinologist, researcher, and Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at Duke University School of Medicine to share her research on the deintensification of hypoglycemia-inducing medications in diabetic adults.

  • Investigating the T1D Increase: A Look at Rising Rates in Children Amid COVID-19


    Host: Carol Wysham, MD Guest: Jane J. Kim, M.D. Since 2020, pediatricians have seen a rapid rise in new-onset type 1 diabetes in children. Is this due to the COVID-19 pandemic or an indirect consequence of it? To answer this question, Dr. Jane Kim, a pediatric endocrinologist at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego, shares what kind of correlation she's seeing.

  • Evaluating the Rapid Rise of T1D in Children Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic


    Host: Carol Wysham, MD Guest: Jane J. Kim, M.D. Emerging research details a rapid rise in type 1 diabetes in children amid the COVID-19 pandemic. But what's causing this to happen? To dive into why, Dr. Carol Wysham is joined by Dr. Jane Kim from the Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego.

  • Evaluating the Importance of Oral Health in T1D


    Host: Carol Wysham, MD Guest: Rodica Pop-Busui, MD, PhD Type 2 diabetes can be reflected in a patient's oral health, but can we say the same for patients with type 1 diabetes? Here to dive into that question and to share her latest findings in oral health in patients with type 1 diabetes is Dr. Rodica Pop-Busui, a Larry D. Soderquist Professor of Diabetes and Vice-chair for Clinical Research in the Department of Internal Medicine and also the Director of Clinical Research, Mentoring and Development of M-Diabetes at the University of Michigan.

  • Key Communication Strategies for Patients with Diabetes


    Guest: Claresa Levetan, MD How can we better communicate lifestyle changes and glucose monitoring levels with our diabetic patients? Dr. Claresa Levetan, an endocrinologist at Grand View Health in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, shares key communication strategies she uses with her patients.

  • Diabetes Alert Day: Spreading Awareness & Education


    Guest: Claresa Levetan, MD Diabetes impacts around 40 million Americans and 25% of them don't even know they have it. Luckily, Diabetes Alert Day was created to spread awareness of this widespread disease. To help us understand this campaign, Dr. Claresa Levetan, an endocrinologist at Grand View Health in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, shares insights on the importance of Diabetes Alert Day.

  • Hospitalization Utilization & Communication in Hypoglycemia: An Inside Look at Emerging Data


    Host: John E. Anderson, MD Guest: Scott Pilla, MD, MHS One of the most serious side effects of diabetes, hypoglycemia can lead to severe consequences, and keeping up with the latest in care can help us prevent this complication. To share the latest updates, Dr. John Anderson is joined by Lead Researcher Dr. Scott Pilla to share insights from his recent studies on hospital utilization and primary care communication for patients with diabetes.

  • A Look at Emerging Research on T2D & COVID-19 Severity


    Host: Carol Wysham, MD Guest: Deepak Vashishth, PhD Guest: Bowen Wang Can we predict when a patient with COVID-19 requires hospitalization? To answer this question, Dr. Carol Wysham is joined by Dr. Deepak Vashishth and Mr. Bowen Wang from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to share data from their study on the impact of glycemic levels and common medications on COVID-19 severity in patients with type 2 diabetes.

  • Improving Diabetes Care with Positive Experience & Peer Support


    Host: John E. Anderson, MD Guest: Elizabeth A. Beverly, PhD Current treatment strategies for diabetic patients focus on behavioral and clinical targets alone, but can shared experiences and peer support improve care? To learn more about this, Dr. John Anderson talks to Dr. Elizabeth Beverly from the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine to discuss her recent study on positive experiences for patients living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

  • Dissecting Diabetes: Key Considerations for Low Protein Intake


    Host: Carol Wysham, MD Guest: Christopher Taylor, PhD, RDN, LD, FAND Dr. Carol Wysham meets with Dr. Christopher Taylor, Professor of Medical Dietetics at the Ohio State University School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, to take a look at low protein intake and its overall impact on diabetic patients.

  • Assessing Glucose Control & Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Diabetes


    Host: John E. Anderson, MD Guest: Simon Heller, MD Dr. Simon Heller, a Professor of Clinical Diabetes at the University of Sheffield, and honorary consultant physician with the NHS Foundation Trust in the United Kingdom, reflects on the steps we can take to prevent severe hypoglycemia and reduce cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients.

  • Exploring Experimental Medicine Studies, the Risk of Thrombosis, & the Impacts of Hypoglycemia


    Host: John E. Anderson, MD Guest: Simon Heller, MD Dr. Simon Heller, a Professor of Clinical Diabetes at the University of Sheffield, discusses glucose-lowering studies and talks about the link between hypoglycemia and thrombosis in patients with diabetes.

  • Hypoglycemia & the Cardiovascular System: An Inside Look at Emerging Clinical Trial Data


    Host: John E. Anderson, MD Guest: Simon Heller, MD What causes sudden death in patients with type 1 diabetes? Dr. Simon Heller, a Professor of Clinical Diabetes at the University of Sheffield, discusses severe hypoglycemia and cardiovascular risk in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and what clinicians to look for.

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