Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

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Inspired Choices Network Inspired Choices with Possibilities Coach Christine McIver The Universe is always supporting you and wanting to give to you. Are you using your awareness to receive all that is possible for you? We often go through life with little awareness of the magnitude of possibilities available to us from within. Possibilities Coach Christine McIver, will use her talents to guide you and give you direction moving through challenges and much more. Inspired Choices Inc.


  • Can It REALLY Get Any Better Than This? Christine McIver


    Things are going along pretty good...change has been happening...and yet you are in doubt.  How in the world can I actually have more fun, more joy, more money?  What makes me so special?  With all the sadness and destruction in the world this can't possibly last for me. Are you waiting for the next shoe to drop?  What if the waiting is stopping YOU? Join Christine this week as she brings out her Dominatrix of Possibilities to create new perspectives for you and her. ~ ~

  • Does Your Shit No Longer Fit? Guest Joanne Del Core


    Have you become so used to the shit that it is a story you are known for?  Do you now notice that it is an old story, like an old pair of jeans that no longer fit?  Or has the intensity of your reality become so heightened that you can no longer sit in the shit of it?  What if you were to give it up, send it back, hit the flush button now?  Are you willing to do something different? Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach and her special Guest Joanne Del Core Emotional Intelligence Strategist will entice you into a new possibility of creating you, your life, your business, your reality and your joy.  Join them for an hour of what is sure to be laughter, new choices and awarenesses. ~ ~

  • Lost in Translation ~ Guest Carol Glover


    What communication are you desiring to have with you, your business, your body and your clients? Do you find that all or most are often speaking a different language OR that the translator has not yet shown up?  What if you ARE your own translator? Join Christine McIver and her amazingly aware guest...none other than Carol Glover as they translate this crazy world of communicating with all your entity creations! Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self confidence and remarkable positive change. ~ ~

  • Part 2 ~ Business for Creatives, Weirdos & Humanoids


    Are you definitely different? Do you have a million ideas a day and don't know where to begin? Have you concluded that because you don't have just one idea that you must be incredibly confused and suck at business? Are you creative, confused, brilliant and unfocused? What if all of you is FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC??? Bring all your creatives, weirdos & humaniods to this show if you desire more possibilities with business! Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self confidence and remarkable positive change and CHOICES!                             

  • Will You Get Down Off the Cross for Consciousness? Guest Cathleen Connor


    Are you doing for everyone else all the time?  Do you think that being everyone's super hero is actually creating the changes you and your body and everybody else requires?  Would you like to get down off the cross for consciousness? Come laugh, play and discover what Christine McIver and her guest Cathleen Connor have discovered about getting off the cross.    ~ Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self confidence and remarkable positive change. ~ ~

  • Are You a Fool for the Wrongness Game?


    How many times in your life have you judged yourself as wrong?  Do you beat yourself up in your head daily? Are you absolutely convinced that you are the biggest winner of the Wrongness Game? What if all of that is bull-shit?  Would you be willing to receive new possibilities about what is wrongness, a choice, awareness and a lie? Join Christine McIver Possibilities Coach as she works to debunk you out of being the fool! Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self confidence and remarkable positive change. ~

  • Dying Happy The Gift of Choice with Guest Wendy Mulder


    What if you could have more ease with death and dying? In a world where death and dying are considered to be ‘the worst possible outcome’, Wendy Mulder tells of her experience in this easy to read, insightful and thought provoking account of a carer’s diary. She shares her insights and awareness around death, dying, relationships and self. She also introduces the tools and philosophies of Access Consciousness® which she says, enabled her to gain way more ease and have far less judgment of herself, of others and of death itself as she navigated her way through the palliative care process. Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and Wendy Mulder as they discuss Death, Dying and Choice!  

  • Business for Creatives, Weirdos & Humanoids


    Are you definitely different? Do you have a million ideas a day and don’t know where to begin? Have you concluded that because you don’t have just one idea that you must be incredibly confused and suck at business? Are you creative, confused, brilliant and unfocused? What if all of you is FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC??? Bring all your creatives, weirdos & humanoids to this show if you desire more possibilities with business! Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self confidence and remarkable positive change and CHOICES!                               

  • Who Am I Being Really? with Guest Rioha Fortner


    We are seeing so many people talking about be you.  Well who have I been?  What does that really mean? How do I know who am I being and when will I know I am really being me?  This may be confusing…and it doesn’t need to be.  Join Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach and her wonderful guest Rioha Fortner, Transformational Consultant, as they discuss how this has worked for them and what tools, tips & tricks you can use to create the You, You REALLY BE. Inspired Choices Inc.  

  • You Get to Be YOU!!! with Guest Blossom Benedict


    You Get to Be You! Have you been twisting yourself into what other people have decided you should be?  Are you trying to please your family, community, this reality?  Where are you in those choices?  Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her amazing guest Blossom Benedict as they play with this topic and begin to unlock you from the lies so you can be you! Inspired Choices Inc.  

  • What Medical Diagnosis are you Trending? Guest Dr. Nancy Abram


    What label have you received from the medical community? Does that label or diagnosis feel true for you?  Does it seem just a little too trendy? Have you always known something else is possible when it comes to your health? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her Guest Dr. Nancy Abram as they discuss the medical field, health diagnosis and what is changing and how you can change your health with a great deal more ease.  

  • Gratitude Changes the Lies of Love with Guest Joanne Del Core


    What if Love is a Lie and Gratitude contributes more than you ever imagined?  Would you be willing to challenge your view point around love?  What it means?  What it doesn’t mean?  And how it can and cannot contribute to you, your life & living?  Gratitude creates different….do you want to find out how that can be increased in your level of receiving? Join Christine McIver Possibilities Coach, and her dynamic guest Joanne Del Core, the founder of Be Anxiety Free as they challenge this notion and each other’s belief systems.  This could get nasty!!!! Inspired Choices Inc. Joanne Del Core  

  • Can you really fake it to make it? with Guest Keisha Clark


    What does faking it really mean?  What does it say about you? Is this what is required?  How is faking it good or bad? What are we really talking about faking???? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her guest the brilliant Keisha Clark as they dance with faking it or NOT. They just may have several different points of view. This could get interesting! Inspired Choices Inc.  

  • Out-Creating Yourself with Guest Nilofer Safdar


    Are you ready to move beyond anything you have ever created before? What would your life be like if you out-created yourself, your business and your relationships? Do you know that the only competition that works to your advantage is the one you have with yourself? Nilofer Safdar is a creater of magnitude and the founder of the Illusion to Illumination Summit, now in Season 5.  She has been generating and creating a life that is a constant out-creation of what she has created yesterday. Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her guest Nilofer Safdar as they lead you to greater creation and tools to make your life and business more joyful than ever before. Inspired Choices Inc.  

  • The 10 Minute Meltdown! Guest Co-Host Carol Glover


    HELP!!!  My walls are closing in!  Too much to do…not enough time, money, support. Where have you defined that you having a 10 minute meltdown is a wrong thing?  Do you try to do it all and forget that there is support all around you?  What if you were to really show up with all your meltdowns would change the energy? Would you be willing to SHOW UP even with your tears?  Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week, and her guest co-host Carol Glover as they discuss MELTDOWNS!!! Inspired Choices Inc.  

  • STOP Tempering YOU!!! Guest Rhonda Burns


    Who are you being? Are you really showing up as you or are you tempering yourself so others don’t see you? What is the value in not being all of YOU??? How much energy is required to temper you? Would you be willing to SHOW UP? Would you be willing to have your own back? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week, and her guest Rhonda Burns as they discuss Tempering and how to CUT THAT SHIT OUT!!! Inspired Choices Inc.

  • Pleasurable Choices…are you willing? with Christine McIver


    Are you willing to have more pleasure in your life? Have you concluded that this is as good as it gets and expecting more will only be a disappointment you are no longer willing to have? What if the disappointment is the thing that is stopping you from more pleasure? What if you were willing to loose it all would actually be the one choice that could create even more? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week, HOT off her trip from PARIS to discuss having and making more pleasurable choices. Inspired Choices Inc.

  • Surviving….Yuck! That’s like taking crumbs!


    Where in your life have you survived? Would you like to move beyond surviving and create your life? How about you choose more than just the crumbs. What would your life look like if you showed up and chose more right now? Are you willing to do what it takes to create the life you truly desire? Are you willing to be the difference YOU require? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach as she shares how this choice for her has changed her entire life, business and level of receiving. Inspired Choices Inc.

  • If You Want It…TAKE IT!


    What are you waiting for? Have you bought into some story that if you sit back and be a good little boy or girl that it will finally be served to you? Are you waiting on the world to finally notice you? How about we change that crap NOW??? If you want it...take it. It is a choice! Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach as she shares how this choice for her has changed her entire life, business and level of receiving. Inspired Choices Inc.

  • No You’re Not Aware At All!!! with Guest Rachel Silber


    I have no idea! I don't know! I don't have that gift! Are you buying the lies that you don't already know? Do you desire to be more aware? Do you know, you already know and if you were willing know more, you would be as aware as you have always known were possible? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach with her Special Guest this week Rachel Silber, The Consciousness Fairy as they invite you into acknowledging your awareness & inviting even more in! Inspired Choices Inc.

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