Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 84:17:00
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Lois J Wetzel is the author of "Akashic Records: Case Studies" available on Amazon/Kindle and "EDINA: Energy Medicine from the Stars!" as well as "Sacred Journeys & Vision Quests." In doing this show, Lois' intent is to create a FREE LIBRARY of spiritual information for all Seekers on the Path, who are guided here. Feel free to browse the archives and find what resonates with you! Sometimes Lois will be the one teaching, more often, it will be others telling what they know and/or what they do. Following guidance, Lois has been hosting this radio show since May of 2009.Lois does Intuitive Consultations and Past Life Readings/Life Mission Readings from the Akashic Records in addition to writing her books. With over twenty-five years' experience in this field, she has been published in numerous magazines in addition to the books mentioned above.Lois works with clients all over the globe. She would be happy to work with you as well! lois (at) hotpinklotus.comWebsite: Hot Pink Lotus.comEDINA Healing Temple.com


  • Scientific Experiments on Feeling the Energy of Crystals

    02/10/2009 Duración: 01h00s

    Today Lois will be discussing some scientific experiments that have been conducted on feeling the energy fields of crystals. Apparently some people can do this, and it has been proven. Come listen as we talk about this interesting phenomenon, and then learn a technique for communicating with the energy of crystals yourself. Call in with questions!

  • BURNING MAN Exclusive Report - Becky Hannah

    25/09/2009 Duración: 01h00s

    In case you do not know, "Burning Man" is an annual eight day event in the desert of Nevada. An entire city is built on the "playa" and then removed after it is all over. Many thousands of artists and architects, musicians and spiritual leaders, celebrants and performers all converge on this huge dusty plain each year in August/September to conduct what is becoming a "gathering of the tribes" for the twenty-first century. "Once a year, tens of thousands of participants gather to create Black Rock City in Nevada's Black Rock Desert, dedicated to community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. They depart one week later, having left no trace whatsoever." You are invited to come listen to my friend, Becky Hannah, as she tells us about her trip to the event. To read more about "Burning Man" here are a couple of websites and blogs: http://www.burningman.com/ and http://blog.burningman.com/?author=22 and

  • September 9 Activation of the Crystals!

    09/09/2009 Duración: 01h00s

    Today, on the 9/9/09, there are meetings, celebrations, and gatherings of spiritual leaders, seekers and lightworkers all over the planet. The event is the reactivation of certain massive, ancient crystals beneath the Earth for the purpose of assisting our energies in the ongoing ascension. For those who do not have the opportunity to travel to one of these events on this day, I am offering an opportunity to come together in consciousness for the purpose of participation in this momentous day! We will talk, we will pray, meditate, or whatever feels right in the moment. Join us. Together our consciousness will support the beneficient coming changes, which will result in the return of Heaven on Earth. Luminous Blessings! Lois J Wetzel

  • Human Biofield Part 2 - Dr. Thornton Streeter

    04/09/2009 Duración: 01h00s

    We had such an interesting show last week, that Dr. Streeter agreed to speak with me again this week! There was so much I wanted to ask him, and so much he had to say, that one hour was just not enough. Again, Dr. Streeter is one of the world's experts in the human biofield, and is starting a lab in Boulder, Colorado, to continue with his measurement of the biofield. One of the projects he intends to do in Boulder is to find out if the meridians and the nadis are the same, or somehow related. His lab in Pune, India, has been working for years now, measuring the biofield, and he is bringing that work to the USA, too! Come listen as I speak again with this humble, brilliant scientific innovator in the field of energy medicine!

  • Measuring the BIOFIELD with Dr. Thornton Streeter

    28/08/2009 Duración: 01h00s

    Today I will be talking with the UK's premier expert on CAM, or complimentary and alternative medicine. His focus is upon the Biofield, or the Human Energy Field. Dr. Streeter has started centers all over the world to measure the effects of various modalities on the human biofield. He works with different tools to measure the effects of energy medicine Dr. Streeter has observed that energy medicine is the most effective way to change the biofield. Some of the measuring tools range from thousands of dollars for the bells and whistles, down to modest sums around $120.00 for the basics. Come listen as we discuss the first Biofield measurement center that he is opening in the USA, which will be located in Boulder, Colorado. He is planning there to study the meridians and the nadis, to see what the relationship between them may be. His website: http://www.biofieldsciences.com

  • Dream Interpretation and Gifts of the Soul, Constance Rodriguez, PhD

    07/08/2009 Duración: 01h00s

    Today we will be talking with Dr. Constance Rodriguez, author of the book, "Gifts of the Soul," published by Llewellyn. Dr. Rodriquez is a transpersonal psychologist with over 25 years experience. About her book Dr. Rodriguez says, "My book is mostly about ways to open to the inner world to make contact with your Soul self. So there are many ways to do this, dreams are one of the portals or doorways that the Soul self uses to guide us on our path. I like talking about the need to clear the subtle energy body and keep it protected from unwanted energies as well. This allows the soul/spirit connect to stay clear and open, like a radio tuned to the perfect station. When we have the subtle energy body fine tuned, we are able to receive guidance from the invisible worlds which I call the Mystic Realms in my book: Gifts of the Soul." Come listen as this fascinating, warm person discusses how we can "experience the mystical in everyday life."

  • "You're Not Going Crazy...You're Just Waking Up"

    17/07/2009 Duración: 01h00s

    Please join us as I interview psychotherapist, Dr. Michael Mirdad, world-renowned author, lecturer, healer and teacher about his book, "You're Not Going Crazy...You're Just Waking Up." In it he covers the Five Stages of the Soul Transformation Process guide you through such challenges (including the“dark night of the soul”) and lead you to the “Light at the end of the tunnel,”wherein you gain a new perspective of your life, yourself, and your purpose. The Soul Transformation Process includes: 1) Dismantling, 2) Emptiness, 3)Disorientation, 4) Re-building, and 5) A New Life. This process assists you in rising to new levels of spiritual mastery, wherein you become an activeparticipant in Re-building a New Life, a life that resonates with your Highest Good and is described in A Course in Miracles as, “A future . . . without a trace of sorrow, and with joy that constantly increases."

  • Medium MarVeena Meek, the "Ghost Queen"

    26/06/2009 Duración: 01h00s

    . Come listen June 26th as I interview my dear friend, the shaman, Reiki Master, and medium (a la John Edwards of "Crossing Over") MarVeena Meek, as we talk about the mediumistic work that she does. Hear about my first experience with her, about 12 years ago, in her "spirit circle" in which I participated. It was pretty wild... Then listen as MarVeena discusses experiences she has had with mediumship over the years, and explains how she became a medium at the age of 21. MarVeena now lives with her husband on a horse ranch in Forney, Texas, which is near Dallas, where they breed thoroughbred horses. MarVeena is a real cowgirl, a highly accomplished "trick roper," and has also done competitive martial arts, winning high awards. You will love listening to MarVeena's voice, it is simply spellbinding. Here is her website: http://www.marveena.com. Check it out and be sure and sign up for her E-Zine!

  • Drilling for Oil - EDGAR CAYCE said it would be there!!

    19/06/2009 Duración: 01h00s

    The economy is definitely shifting. One of my old friends, Jeanette, used to do readings and teach Tarot in my shop, the Hot Pink Lotus about 12 years ago. Recently she has taken her expertise concerning Edgar Cayce's readings, and paired up with some oilmen in Texas. Have they found the very same oil, of which Cayce had predicted the location, that the oilmen back in Cayce's time - the 1930's - could not? Listen in on Friday, June 19, at 8 am to hear Jeanette's riveting story! Jeanette, a former MUFON President and junior high math teacher, talks about her wild adventure, and how the economy is shifting in strange and miraculous ways.

  • The Gifts in Adversity

    05/06/2009 Duración: 30min

    Every so-called "negative" experience that comes our way is an opportunity for positive change and growth That opportunity is a gift, if we can but be aware, and look for "what is the gift" in a determined way. Otherwise, it takes days, weeks, even months or years before we begin to be able to make sense of why something has happened to us. Yet if we are consciously looking for the gift, we will get it faster, and our spiritual growth is accelerated. And after all, is spiritual growth not why we are in human form attending the Earth School anyway? Today we will be looking at some examples of gifts in adversity - true stories from real people's lives.

  • Akashic Records Readings

    15/05/2009 Duración: 30min

    In this episode Lois will discuss some of her experiences doing hundreds of Akashic Records readings (past lives) over the past 20 years. How talents and relationships can carry over from one life to the next will be part of the discussion.

  • Wesak Festival and Full Moon on May 9, 2009

    08/05/2009 Duración: 30min

    Today we will talk about the annual Wesak Festival, which occurs each year at the Scorpio full moon in May and what that means to humanity.

  • Introductory Show -

    01/05/2009 Duración: 30min

    This is the first BlogTalk Radio show hosted by Lois J. Wetzel. It is an experiment!

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