Prosperous Pet Business



Pet Business Coach Kristin Morrison


  • Episode 88. The Journey to Pet Business Success

    21/04/2021 Duración: 01h08min

    A lot of pet business owners have contacted me asking me how to pivot during this time, how to deal with a mindset which is veering toward the negative because of all that’s going on in the world, etc. This episode will help you with these things and so much more!  Visit the show notes page to find out […]

  • Episode 87. What’s New for Pet Business Owners

    22/03/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    My newest book is coming out on April 15, 2021 and today’s episode gives you a sneak peek to find out more about it. In this episode, you’ll also hear from pet business owners who were “early readers” of the new book. Listen as they share what their business burnout looked like, how the new […]

  • Episode 86. How to Redesign Your Post-Pandemic Pet Business

    12/03/2021 Duración: 44min

    In this episode, you’ll hear pet business coach Kristin Morrison help pet business owner Tracy reassess and reconfigure her business. Like many pet business owners, Tracy was stressed and busy before the pandemic and then, during the pandemic, had a lot of time. Now, as her business begins to get busier, she is confused on […]

  • Episode 85. Digital Minimalism

    17/02/2021 Duración: 22min

    Are you feeling like your phone and computer own you instead of the other way around? If so, you’re not alone! It may be time to practice “digital minimalism” and in this episode I’ll share some tips that I use in my own life and business in order to create a healthier relationship with my phone and computer. […]

  • Episode 84. Special Announcement from Kristin Morrison

    18/12/2020 Duración: 08min

    Hello dear pet business owners, I’ve never done this before but I’ve also never experienced a pandemic before, and neither have you. I know for many of you this year has been a really ROUGH time. You may have lost a lot of clients this year as well as a lot of income. You may […]

  • Episode 83: How To Take Your Pet Business To The Next Level

    01/12/2020 Duración: 01h07min

    A few weeks before the pandemic happened, Collin Funkhouser from Pet Sitter Confessional interviewed me for his podcast. This is that interview. He asked a lot of great questions and really picked my brain about what it takes to run a pet business and how to take your business to the next level. I want […]

  • Episode 82. Redefining Prosperity in the Midst of a Pandemic

    18/11/2020 Duración: 01h03min

    Visit the show notes page to find out more about upcoming pet business events: Have you and your pet business struggled financially or emotionally during the pandemic? If so, you’re not alone. I recently gave a keynote talk addressing the struggle many are currently going through, as well as the antidote to the struggle, to the attendees of the Pet Boarding […]

  • Episode 81. How to Resolve Conflict with Pet Biz Clients, Staff, Family and Friends

    25/09/2020 Duración: 01h16min

    No matter who you are or how long you’ve been in business, if you own a pet business you are bound to experience conflict with your clients or staff members at some point. Oy! And let’s face it, if you are dealing with people (and especially the public), it’s not a question of “if”, it’s […]

  • Episode 80. The Unexpected Power of Using Snail Mail to Gain Pet Biz Clients

    08/09/2020 Duración: 47min

    Think snail mail is dead? So do your competitors! However, savvy business owners out there realize it’s still very much a vital part of a strong marketing campaign. And because few (if any) of your competitors are using snail mail marketing, you’ll be sure to stand out even more. I encourage you to open your […]

  • Episode 79. The Pet Business Coach’s #1 Hack for Productivity and Procrastination-Busting

    18/08/2020 Duración: 23min

    During the Spring of 2020, like most of us, I was rattling around in my home, sheltering in place while being stunned on a daily basis by what was happening in the world as a result of the pandemic. For awhile I needed to just rest in order to process what was happening but after […]

  • Episode 78. How to Write Web Copy That Attracts Your Ideal Clients

    06/08/2020 Duración: 35min

    Words are powerful. And when they are powerfully and intentionally written on a website words can also help you get great clients. Rewriting your web copy is an action you take now if your business is slow (or even if it’s not slow). If you want to attract ideal clients to you from simply changing […]

  • Episode 77. Crossing the Bridge with Hedy Schleifer: Using Compassionate Communication with Clients, Staff and Family Members

    28/07/2020 Duración: 36min

    When tension is present and one person is upset, our natural reaction is often to meet that person where they are (in an angry place). Hedy’s life work is all about disarming that natural inclination and bringing the conversation back to connection which Hedy calls a “habit of the heart”. When you can master this […]

  • Episode 76. The Pet Business Coach Answers Listener Questions

    14/07/2020 Duración: 48min

    Have you ever used a pet business coach? If not, you’ll get a taste of what working with a business coach is like. In this episode, pet business coach Kristin Morrison helps pet business owners navigate challenges they are experiencing in their businesses. Whether you are new to the world of pet business or have […]

  • Episode 75. Interview with Tara Gentile: The Art of Earning – Even in a Slump

    08/07/2020 Duración: 43min

    Do you want to make more money but your efforts to generate more haven’t been working (especially during the pandemic)? Are you having a hard time breaking through the earning plateau that you’ve been in for awhile?  In this interview with Tara Gentile you will learn empowering tips and tools to jumpstart your money-making ability. Earning […]

  • Episode 74. Free Resources for Comfort, Renewal and Relief for Pet Business Owners

    01/07/2020 Duración: 19min

    This is a challenging time on so many levels. If we’re not taking care of our body, mind and spirit then our business suffers and so does our personal life, as well as our quality of life. In today’s episode I’m going to share some powerful resources that have helped ground and center me the […]

  • Episode 73. A Candid Conversation about Racism with Pet Professionals

    19/06/2020 Duración: 01h12min

    Dear Podcast Listeners, Here’s the truth: it felt very vulnerable for all of us on today’s episode to have this conversation about this difficult topic. You’ll hear from each of the guests about what caused them to feel vulnerable about coming on the podcast and talking about this subject. ~Kristin Morrison Visit the show notes […]

  • Episode 72: 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge

    14/05/2020 Duración: 21min

    I’ve had a lot of pet business owners email me with questions about the 30-Day Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge that is happening in June 2020 and today I’m answering those questions! Pet business owners from all over the world are attending, including pet sitters, dog trainers, pet groomers, dog daycare owners, and […]

  • Episode 71. Mining the Gold During This Time

    01/05/2020 Duración: 14min

    Hi pet business owners, I don’t know about you but I’ve been doing my best to mine the gold during this slow down time. At this point I’ve been in sheltering in place for 7 weeks. What used to feel strange has begun to feel somewhat normal and what used to be normal has begun […]

  • Episode 70. Interview with Kristin Morrison: How to Turn Your Dream Into Reality

    23/04/2020 Duración: 58min

    Alain Guilliot is a French Canadian podcaster and I was recently interviewed on his show. He was curious about how I turned my dreams into reality. In addition to airing that interview on his own podcast, he generously permitted me to share the interview with you listeners on this podcast. Here’s that interview. Share your […]

  • Episode 69. COVID-19 Financial Aid for Pet Business Owners

    13/04/2020 Duración: 14min

    I’ve had a lot of you ask me about financial aid during this time, including unemployment, grants, and “forgivable” loans. Here’s some information on how to navigate that process as well as other tips to stay mentally and emotionally healthy during this time. Share your insights and find out more about items mentioned in the […]

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