Kaleo Church Podcast



Compilation of Kaleo Church Sermons in El Cajon which will be updated weekly.


  • Slavery to our Circumstances

    01/04/2023 Duración: 47min

          How many of you find that your joy in life seems to rise and fall with your circumstances? How many of you feel like “If only ____” would happen then everything would be better? In I Corinthians 7:17-24 Paul addresses our slavery to our circumstances and calls us to embrace the freedom that Jesus came to offer. If you are wondering how such freedom could be possible then this message is for you.

  • Marriage, Divorce, and the Gospel

    25/03/2023 Duración: 47min

    What does the Bible teach us about the purpose of marriage? What is Paul’s view of divorce and how does understanding the purpose of marriage help us make sense of his position? And what about those who have been divorced? What hope does the Gospel offer them and what healing can they find in Jesus' steadfast love? These are some of the questions we will consider in this sermon as we take a closer look at I Corinthians 7:10-16. 

  • Sex in Marriage

    18/03/2023 Duración: 39min

          Anyone who has been married for long knows that sex isn’t always something that you and your spouse see eye to eye on. In fact, for many couples, sex can be the source of some significant conflict. In I Corinthians 7:1-5 Paul discusses the topic of sex in a way that helps us understand why it sometimes leads to conflict and how it is that this conflict might be resolved.

  • Sexual Immorality and Union with Christ

    11/03/2023 Duración: 41min

    Most people are aware that the Bible prohibits sex outside of marriage, but what is often less clear is why. Why does God put so many restrictions on something that people desire so deeply? For many it can begin to seem like God might be holding out on us. But in this passage Paul shows us that God has actually offered us something far better than sex and its actually sexual immorality, and not God, that threatens to keep us from what we truly desire. 

  • Freedom and Resurrection

    04/03/2023 Duración: 43min

    A false view of freedom and spirituality will lead the church to adopt the same ethics as the surrounding culture where the free expression of inward desire is celebrated. Paul points us to the resurrection of Jesus to transform and renew our hearts and minds and give value to our physical bodies. He directs our love and all of who we are away from self and turns it to God and to others so that we may experience and live out of the true freedom that is only found in Jesus Christ.

  • Battling Sexual Desire

    25/02/2023 Duración: 41min

    Our culture tells us that the path to meaning is through the free expression of our desires, unless of course, those desires end up being harmful either to ourselves or others. In I Corinthians 6:9-11 Paul warns us about the danger of following many of the desires that our culture has deemed safe. In this passage we will see both the danger and the ensuing shame that comes from following our desires, as well as the redemption from shame and the freedom from our enslavement that the Gospel comes to offer us.

  • Dealing with Conflict

    18/02/2023 Duración: 51min

    How are Christians supposed to respond when they have conflict with other Christians? Are we supposed to respond just like the rest of the world or is there a way to respond to conflict that is distinctly Christian? In this passage Paul lays out two right ways and two wrong ways for Christians to deal with conflict. 

  • Church Discipline Part II

    11/02/2023 Duración: 48min

           In this passage Paul tells us that another purpose of church discipline is the protection of the Church. After calling the Corinthians to live out the identity that God has given them in sincerity and truth Paul ends this section by giving us a few more details about the process of church discipline. In this message we will also consider the terrible carnage that has been left behind when this passage has been abused and we will talk about how our God has chosen to respond to it.

  • The Purpose and Posture of Church Discipline.

    04/02/2023 Duración: 52min

    The Church is a family and one vital aspect of any healthy family is discipline. In this message we will discuss the purpose of church discipline and why it is that we often find ourselves so resistant to it. We will also consider the posture of church discipline which Paul tells us is mourning.

  • The Way of Gentleness

    28/01/2023 Duración: 41min

     In this sermon, we see how Paul continues to address and correct the Corinthians infatuation with eloquent speakers. While some of them have become arrogant towards Paul, his way of corrective discipline is with a fatherly gentleness that calls them to imitate the heart of Christ that Paul himself is imitating. Listen and hear how the Gospel forms us into gentle people.

  • The Way of the Cross

    21/01/2023 Duración: 44min

    The way up is down. That is what Paul is trying to help us see in this passage. And in order to make that argument Paul uses biting irony to help wake us up from our infatuation with the things of this world and to call us to follow him as he follows Jesus down the way of the cross. In this message we will see why Paul’s call is so extreme as well as what makes it worth the tremendous cost.

  • Pride and Comparison

    14/01/2023 Duración: 51min

          Pride is a problem that all of us struggle with. In fact, the less someone struggles with pride, the bigger their problem actually is. Fortunately, in I Corinthians 4:7 Paul uses three diagnostic questions to attack the very roots of our pride. So for all us who happen to know some proud people, this message is for us. 

  • God’s Word in an Age of Distraction

    07/01/2023 Duración: 43min

          Did you know that our attention is the most valuable resource that we have? And yet the truth is that we often give it away for nothing. In this text Peter tells us that we would do well to pay attention to God’s Word as if it were a lamp in a dark place. But it’s hard isn’t it? It’s hard because we live in an age of distraction. In this sermon we will consider why it is that we are so prone to distraction. We will also consider why it is that God’s Word is truly worthy of our attention and what it might look like for us to give our most valuable resource to the one who is most valuable.

  • The Search for Peace

    31/12/2022 Duración: 44min

          How is it possible to die in peace? I think many people assume that when death comes, they will somehow find peace and yet the reality is that most people go through life grasping at control and struggling with fear and anxiety when even one of the things they love are threatened. How could we possibly imagine that we might be ready to lose everything in death when we still haven’t figured out how to live in peace with the ordinary losses of life? In this passage Simeon shows us the secret to dying in peace which, we will find out, also happens to be the secret to a life of peace.

  • Jesus, the Shepherds and Those Who Feel Like They Don’t Belong

    24/12/2022 Duración: 34min

    Have you ever felt like you just didn’t belong. It’s hard, isn’t it? In this message we will consider what the Christmas story has to say about rejection and our longing to fit in. Specifically we will consider why it is that the only person who got to choose when and how he was born chose to be born in a stable and laid in a manger. 

  • The Giver and His Gifts

    17/12/2022 Duración: 43min

          How do you respond when God says yes? How do we avoid becoming so enamored with his gifts that we allow them to distract us from the giver? Specifically, what does it look like to separate the gift of forgiveness from the God who offers it to us? In order to help us answer some of these questions Zechariah comes to remind us not only what we have been saved from, but what we have been saved for.

  • From Mystery to Marvel

    10/12/2022 Duración: 44min

    Sometimes we can get so used to the narratives about Jesus coming into the world that we lose our wonder and awe. In Luke 1, Mary and Elizabeth will demonstrate how marveling at who God is and what he has done is intimately intertwined with humility. Listen and hear how the Gospel moves us from mystery to marvel.

  • Nothing Will Be Impossible with God

    03/12/2022 Duración: 43min

    The reason we often struggle to believe God’s promises isn’t because they aren’t enough to give us hope in the midst of this broken world, our struggle is that they often seem too good to be true and too big to be possible. So what are we supposed to do? How can we learn to trust in promises that clearly exceed anything we could hope to deserve and how are we supposed to believe God’s word when we cannot imagine how he could ever bring it about? These are the questions that Luke comes to answer in tonight’s passage.

  • Gospel Triumphs Over Doubt

    26/11/2022 Duración: 42min

    Oppressive, barren, and silent darkness provides the context for Christmas. In the midst of dark days we can be tempted to doubt the promises of God. Yet, into this darkness the Lord sent his angelic messenger to bring good news of God's faithfulness to fulfill his promised salvation in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the faithful One who never doubted the word of God his Father. Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness, the Word made flesh. He came to tear down the curtain so that doubters like us may enter into his presence now and forever!

  • Freedom from People Pleasing

    19/11/2022 Duración: 47min

    Most of us find that we care far too much about what other people think about us. Now our culture thinks that the answer to this problem is to say, “As for me it is a very small thing what anyone else thinks because I know that I am good and I love myself and that is all that matters…” But is what our culture tells us true? Are we the judge? Do we get to give the ultimate verdict on our lives? And is relying on our own feelings about ourselves really the only way to stop being controlled by what others think of us?  These are some of the questions that Paul comes to answer for us in I Corinthians 4:1-5.

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