Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing



If you want to write and publish a book ... if you want to know the latest in book marketing strategies ... if you want to know what tools an author should be using ... and if you want to be successful as an author, Author YOU - Your Guide to Book Publishing with Dr. Judith Briles ... Everything You Want to Know, But Didn't Know What to Ask is for you. You will hear about statistics, scenarios and strategies on what to do now! Judith features a variety of experts, besides herself, that are visionaries in publishing, book marketing experts, book design experts--anything that will get your book and YOU as the author--to the next, next level of success. Sometimes, it's one step at at time; others you will leap frog up the ladder. As The Book Shepherd, Dr. Judith Briles is in and each week. She will include publishing professionals that will reveal tips and secrets to the author's journey. If there is a book in you, then you will want to listen and learn each and every week.


  • Writing Tips for 2024, Part 1 02-01-2024

    02/02/2024 Duración: 58min

    Writing Tips for 2024, Part 1 In this week’s AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing, Host Dr. Judith Briles welcomes bestselling and award-winning author Mara Purl to reveal strategies and tips for writing in 2024. Areas that were dived into include: - Self—times ... stamina, inspiration, scheduling. Key take away: honor time space. - Message ... evolving to the CORE message of your book, and what you, the author is about.  Style and Voice—knowing your characters and yours. -Market Research ... using the three types of research every author should know about. -Budget Planning ...including time and money. And, of course, much more. Tune in for lots of ideas and how-to tactics via the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. Since its inception, over 16,000,000 listeners have downloaded various shows for practical publishing and book marketing guidance. Join me and become a regular subscriber.

  • Crowdfunding 2024 for Authors podcast 01-25-2024

    26/01/2024 Duración: 58min

    In this week’s AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing, Host Dr. Judith Briles reveals the power of using and implementing a crowdfunding campaign for your book—or any project that is in your wheelhouse. Only 35% of publishing related campaigns. You will get tips on how to be in the minority! -Crowdfunding stats for 2023. Some are eye-opening. -Crowdfunding moneys can be used to print your book. -Crowdfunding moneys can be used to push out a marketing and publicity campaign. -Crowdfunding moneys can be used to spin off a screenplay. -Crowdfunding moneys can be used to seed your next project. -Crowdfunding can build buzz for you, your expertise, your book. Crowdfunding is work—don’t kid yourself. It will take some time and definitely, energy. You will need to sprinkle in your creativity to bring the spark that becomes a magnet to attract crowdfunding participants you have no previous connection to. Your listening takeaways include: -The Who, Where, Why, Why, and When of your campaign. -What the essential compo

  • 2024 Editing Tips, Part 2 01-18-2024

    18/01/2024 Duración: 58min

    In this week’s AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing, Dr. Judith Briles, host of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast, rolls out Part 2 of Editing Tips for 2024 with fiction editor Barb Wilson to step up and reveal her key strategies for 2024 success for authors. - Start thinking World Building … world building is not exclusive to fantasy and sci-fi—it’s in every genre. Build yours and know the details. The result is rich story flow. - Development and Content editing … is the hardest, longest, and most costly in the process. - Copy editing is all about the mechanics, line by line. - Proofreading/cold eye. It’s a must. - Tips for looking at plot holes.- Foreshadowing entices a storyline. - Discover – the Educational Freelancers Association for cost guidelines. And, - of course, much more. Editors have the skills to fix your words and make you shine. Use them. Tune in for lots of ideas and how-to tactics via the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. Since its inception, over 16,

  • Editing tips for 2024 Part 1 01-11-2023

    12/01/2024 Duración: 58min

    In this week’s AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing, Host Dr. Judith Briles dives into a topic that is a must for every book. One that many authors avoid … because it costs money. They take the DIY approach … and a book failure mistake. Authors need editing ... not just a few EVERY author. Joining host Dr. Judith Briles is Editor Barb Wilson. She sharpens her creative mind and red pencil to offer a variety to tips and strategies for 2024 that includes both fiction books and nonfiction books. -Essentials include writing at least three of the five senses in your descriptions. -And much more. -embrace your world-building power .. it's not just fantasy and sci-fi. It's another must-listen to AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast for your authoring and publishing success.

  • Book Marketing for 2024 with John Kremer 01-04-2023

    05/01/2024 Duración: 58min

    Host Dr. Judith Briles, host of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast, has invited book marketing guru John Kremer to step up projections for 2024 for authors. Your goal: You want to create what others want to read. Smart 2024 strategies include: -Start knocking on social media doors. -Hooking onto existing bestseller titles and authors in your genre with ongoing posts. -Hooking onto names of authors and their titles that are bestsellers in bookstores you want to work with. -commit to "knocking on doors" 20 times a week. Pitching you and your book--speaking, podcast guesting. -80% of book sales come from "word of mouth". -

  • #1 Podcast for authors in 2023-Writing Blunders for Authors to Avoid 12-28-2023

    29/12/2023 Duración: 58min

    7 Writing Blunders for Authors to Avoid Judith Briles The Book Shepherd identifies 7 Writing Blunders for Authors to Avoid in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. It’s just Judith solo—this episode is the perfect refresher any time of the year. Originally aired January 12, 2023, this episode was the #1 show in 2023. It has been downloaded 328,123 times. Your takeaways include: -7 essential tips for book review gathering -tips for creating eyeball-grabbing headlines -tips for knowing which type of editor to engage and when -tips to avoid editing mistakes -tips for copyediting shortcuts Join in ... you will learn a lot! If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you. Host Judith Briles has lots to share in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast.

  • #2 Podcast 2023- Book Marketing and Beyond @12-21-2023

    22/12/2023 Duración: 57min

    Get ready for an hour with two masters of book marketing and what you should be doing for 2023: John Kremer, author of 1001 Ways to Market Your Book and Dr. Judith Briles via the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. Originally aired January 5, 2023, this episode was the #2 show in 2023. It has been downloaded 323,950 times. Your takeaways include: • Hot tips for 2023 to do starting now. • 3 things to do for book marketing starting today. • What bombed in 2022, including NFTs and crypto. • Why being a podcast host may be a mistake. • Why being a podcast guest is better and how to take advantage of it when you are the featured guest. • Easy peasy way to become a guest on a podcast. • Why TV coverage has less pop. • Why libraries are a sweet spot for your book. • Why the Weeklies should still get your attention. • Why newsjacking is an ideal publicity window. • Discover ... new platform for authors and books Are you ready to start? If you don’t want your book marketing to be mediocre,

  • #3 Podcast 2023--Branding, Logos, Author Influence 12-14-2023

    15/12/2023 Duración: 58min

    Author question for 2023 ... What’s in your brand and influence wallet? Has your branding and influence stalled? Logos and EPKs to the rescue! And the question for leading into 2024 … all of the above! Multiple award-winning book designer Nick Zelinger dives into the importance of Author logos – creating that instant connection to your author brand. Why do so many self-published authors overlook such a powerful marketing tool? Nick will give tips and strategies on what to look for, and how to even create your own author logo. Originally aired January 26, 2023, this episode was the #3 show in 2023. It has been downloaded 243,496 times. ALSO ON TAP: We’ll discuss the audiobook craze and how to create as audio cover that compliments your printed and digital versions—it’s not a fad! Last but not least, we’ll tackle the topic of creating an EPK–the electronic press kit for authors – what elements to include for the ultimate marketing piece. Your takeaways include: -Websites to use to goose your creativity

  • #4 2023 Show- How to Earn a Living Writing - Finding Money 12-07-2023

    08/12/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    Can writers earn a living writing? That’s a YES from author and the founder of, C Hope Clark. Originally aired February 9, 2023, this episode was the #4 show in 2023. It has been downloaded 233,378 times. In this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing, she joins host Dr. Judith Briles and C Hope Clark dive into author and writer success factors: • Why all writers should diversity their writing in earning a living. • Why and how writing contests can catapult a career, opening doors. • Why authors and writers must balance their left and rights brains—the business and creativity. • Why writing regularly is crucial–habits must be groomed. • Why taking the time to apply for grants is a good thing. • Why the “slow and steady” wins the race with a writer—success is slow. • Why it’s an essential to “convince” the judges when submitting for grants that they want to be you. You’ll come away with tips for expanding your writing chops. Join in ... you will learn a lot! If you don’t

  • The Ultimate 2024 Calendar Days for Authors 11-30-2023

    01/12/2023 Duración: 58min

    AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast host, Dr. Judith Briles has put together the ultimate 2024 special calendars for authors. Think book days, publishing days, writing days. Months. Weeks. Individual days. Get tips on how to use ... -Posters -Quotes -Book marketing campaigns It's an explosion of resources for 2024 for each month with Judith and the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast.

  • Unclutter and Delete Computer Chaos 11-23-2023

    24/11/2023 Duración: 57min

    It’s Time to Unclutter and Delete Computer Chaos Joining AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast host, Dr. Judith Briles is Nick Zelinger graphic designer at NZ Graphics. Over the twenty years they’ve worked together, they’ve worked with the chaos that is generated from computer disorganization that authors find themselves in. Get a variety of tips and strategies to bring Zen into your writing and publishing life. Between Judith and Nick, they have a list of what to keep and what to dump pronto. Their goal: bring sanity to your computer workspace. Your takeaways include: -What to do before trashing any file. -How to determine which files to SAVE and which to TRASH. -Why you want to embrace the art of creating Folders and Subfolders. -Tips on how to organize and clean up your project folders. -Which remote drive to use for storage and backup. -What to know about syncing services including Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, iCloud. -What emails you should keep.

  • Use the Three-Prong Attack for Building Followers 11-16-2023

    17/11/2023 Duración: 58min

    Tom Antion IS Back … with Oddles Author Success Tips and the Three-Prong Attack. He is the Internet Marketing guru for this edition of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. This edition is all about Internet Marketing … and Tom’s Three-Prong Attack to create big bucks. Listen to his podcasts and grab via ... his free guide to grow your business and followings. As always, this is another get-out-the-pad for oodles of note-taking. The ideas roll from the get-go. Tips on how to build your influence, sell more books, and definitely gather interest for you and your expertise. -Discover the “content locker” method of grabbing emails. -What are the four elements of engagement that the algorithms look at. -How to verify your engagement factor. -How to create a “microtest” on your emails. -Why you should dump non-response followers on social media. -How to use advertorial and upselling. -Discover the resources on CafePress and Zazzle to create no-thinking pr

  • How Master eMail Marketing 11-09-2023

    10/11/2023 Duración: 58min

    The Master of eMail Marketing joins AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast host Judith Briles for this info-heavy session. Expert Tom Antion has never had a job. He's an Internet Multimillionaire who has sent out over a billion emails over the past 29 years with virtually zero complaints. He's the founder of the only licensed, dedicated Internet and Digital marketing school in the country and the subject of the Hollywood Documentary "The American Entrepreneur" premiering Spring 2024. His website is Don’t start listening until you have a pad of paper and pen in hand. Ideals will come out you like a tsunami. It’s a Master class in eMail Marketing. • Is email marketing dead like lots of marketers try to tell you? • What are some of the most important things to do when you broadcast an email? • Should you use a Single Opt-In vs Double Opt-In? What are they and what are the pros and cons? • Should you start out with free email broadcast systems? • Do you know the difference between a broadca

  • Book Marketing Forward, Part 2 11-02-2023

    03/11/2023 Duración: 58min

    Are you READY for Book Marketing for the final two months of the year? It’s the giant book-selling season and let’s brainstorm strategies and tips to get your books into the hands of the readers who want them … and need them. Joining the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is Brian Jud, author of How to Make REAL Money Selling Books. There was so much information from last week, I invited Brian back for Part II n this weeki. We will start with: -Why and how to bundle books and products. -Why certain government portals are HOT for authors and why you should use them to display your book. -How to reach the Home School marke and the's significant. -Why you should know about the military buyers and where to reach them via -Why the website could be your magic portal to position your book within. -Why the procurement portal could be the site for you that never stops giving. -Why you should never forget the four Ps of marketing...Pr

  • Book Marketing Forward, Part 1 10-26-2023

    27/10/2023 Duración: 58min

    It’s the giant book-selling season and let’s brainstorm strategies and tips to get your books into the hands of the readers who want them … and need them. Joining the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is Brian Jud, author of How to Make REAL Money Selling Books. There was so much information, I invited Brian back for Part II next week. We will start with: -Why and how to define target buyers. -Why create products available only on your website. -Why a special gift edition for corporations and associations makes author sense. -Why niche bookstores make sense to connect with. -What not do to in the final quarter of the year. -Why you should put out a quick Holiday newsletter. -Why and how to use the NCAA "bracketology" strategy to test what works and what doesn’t.

  • How to Write and Publish Childrens Books 10-19-2023

    20/10/2023 Duración: 58min

    Joining AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast host Dr. Judith Briles is Liza N. Burby, the author of How to Publish Your Children’s Book. She’s the author of 38 nonfiction children’s books and four nonfiction books. She is also an award-winning journalist who has been writing features for newspapers like Newsday and magazines and websites for over 35 years. Her website is Your takeaways include: • How to become familiar with the children's book industry and why it matters. • Why it’s essential to know the WHO of the reader and to understand their psychological development. • Know what audience you're writing for. • Don't chase trends; be a trendsetter to thrive. • How a book becomes a gamechanger. • Think about why you want to be published. • Understand that book publishing is a business. • How to get the attention of an agent. • Don't be afraid of rejection—they happen. Join in ... you will learn a lot! If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Y

  • Visualize Your Author & Writing Success podcast 10-12-2023

    13/10/2023 Duración: 58min

    Author and Vision expert Dr. Lynn Hellerstein joins host Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd, for an insightful episode on AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast. It’s all about Vision, and its impact on writing, research, publishing, book marketing, and creating author confidence. It's all about vision and using visualization to soar your author and writing success. Get ready to embrace the rules of visualization and: -Get useful tips to unblock writer's block. -How to envision your author success. -How to initiate the process of writing your book. -How to expand your creativity. -How to expand your author and writing vision. -How to implement multi-sensory imagery. -How to eliminate author burnouts that can spiral out of control. -How to reduce anxiety created by author overwhelm. -Tips on how to open up the “flow.” Join in ... you will learn a lot! If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you. Host Judith Briles has lots to sh

  • How to Get Your Nonfiction Book Published podcast 10-5-2023

    06/10/2023 Duración: 57min

    Joining host Dr. Judith Briles is Rudy Shur, founder and CEO of SquareOne Publishers based in New York, selected by Publishers Weekly as one of the fastest-growing indie publishing houses in the US. Rudy is the author of How to Publish Your Nonfiction Book, 2nd Edition, and is a board member of the American Association of Publishers for Special Sales. Today’s show focuses on publishing tips for author success. Your takeaways include: -Essential tips to identify and avoid smoke and mirror publishing companies. -Four no-nonsense steps in approaching an acquisition editor and how to do it in four paragraphs. -What the bigger mistakes that not-yet-published authors make when trying to find a way to get their work out. -How the self-publishing evolution has effected publishing ... and where it is going. -The good, bad, and ugly of what AI has unleased. -What the top concerns for writers, published or unpublished, when it comes to things like social media’s effect on the public’s reading. -What authors must do to

  • How to Create Book Marketing Contests 09-28-2023

    29/09/2023 Duración: 58min

    Have you ever thought about creating a contest to start the buzz about your book? Now's the time! JOining host Dr. Judith Briles is her guest, Authors Assistant, Bobby Crew. Bobby has created and run multiple contests for his clients. When you do you seed the influence your words and YOU have with new fans. It's a good thing. Your takeaways today are: 1. Why you should consider using contests and giveaways to grow your following. 2. What Kinds of Giveaways to consider. 3. What Programs are ideal to use as a contest platform and push out. 4. What to do with the emails you harvest when people sign up. 5. Why a great opt-in helps boost your contest. 6. Tips for getting your contest in front of new eyes. 7. How to create a group contest. Join in ... you will learn a lot! If you don’t want you and your book to be ignored, then the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast is for you. Host Judith Briles has lots to share in this episode of the AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishin

  • How to Create an Online Course that POPs 09-21-2023

    22/09/2023 Duración: 58min

    How to Create an Online Course that POPs Whether you are a fiction or nonfiction author, it’s time to learn an insider’s tips on how to create an online learning course that delivers innovative, creative, and fun ways to engage participants to support your wisdom and expertise. Keith Newhouse has over 15 years of experience designing online courses and training. He works with authors to reach and engage with their audiences using online courses to supplement their books. Check out his website at Your takeaways to create an Online Course that Soars includes: -Why should your supplement your book with an online course. -What the basic building blocks of an online course are. -What tools are needed to create an online course. -Keith’s favorite tools to use—many are free. -Tips and tricks creating an online course. You will come away with what you NEED to know; what you SHOULD know; and what would be NICE to know. Join in ... you will learn a lot and have fun, too! If you don’t wan

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