Murphy Church Sunday Messages



We exist to lead people to worship, grow-in, and serve God through lives changed by the power of the gospel. Join us for worship Sunday mornings at 9:45, or 11:00


  • Faces: Christianity Simplified

    02/03/2014 Duración: 26min

    Sometimes being a disciple seems rather complicated. There is so much to learn and so many things to do in Christianity. The Bible is a massive book and understanding it all can feel like swimming in the middle of an ocean. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could just simplify it all so that I could know the desire of my God. Fortunately, Jesus did just that In John 13:33-35. Remember to come early—worship loudly—and be friendly this Sunday as we continue our series Faces, with a message entitled "Christianity Simplified.”As you prepare for worship, here are some helpful Scriptures: John 13:33-35, Matthew 22:34-40, Philippians 2:5-8, Matthew 5:5-9, I John 4:9-11, I John 2:5-6, and Ephesians 5:1-2

  • Faces: Dealmaker or Disciple?

    23/02/2014 Duración: 34min

    There’s a huge difference between being a deal-maker and a disciple. A dealmaker follows Jesus for what he can get out of him. A disciple is the one who when he finds Jesus, realizes that he has found the treasure in the field that is worth more by itself than everything else life has to offer. Are you a deal-maker or a disciple? Join us as we continue our series Faces looking at Judas. As you prepare your heart for worship take a look at John 13:21-30, Matthew 16:14-15, and Matthew 13:44.

  • Faces: When Pride Meets Love

    16/02/2014 Duración: 33min

    The antidote to pride is the cross. When I look upon the humility and love of the cross, I see the magnificence of His love or me and I have nothing left in which to boast. Join us as we look at John 13:1-9 in a sermon entitled When Pride Meets Love.

  • Faces: Better Than You Imagined

    09/02/2014 Duración: 31min

    Disaster often occurs in Christian life, when the God that we imagine is different than the God that is. When you are stuck in your imaginary image of what God should be and do you miss what He’s really doing and who he really is. The reality of God is where joy is found. This week we look at the “triumphant entry” and see how the real Jesus differed from what so many imagined him to be. Remember: Come Early—Worship Loudly, Be Friendly. John 12:12-19 it the text this week as we look at a sermon entitled “Better Than You Imagined.”

  • Faces: Enjoy the Journey

    02/02/2014 Duración: 33min

    Most of us are afraid of our failure, but what we really need to be afraid of is succeeding at things that don’t really matter. It’s easy to spend all of life crossing off boxes on the todo list and in the process miss life. This week we look at a woman named Mary of Bethany who had learned to “Enjoy the Journey” and live in the moment. While others around her missed it, she caught it.

  • Faces: Do You Believe This?

    26/01/2014 Duración: 33min

    A Christian believes that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Everyone who believes in Him lives and will never die. This is the foundation of the faith. Do you believe this? Join us as we continue our series Faces with a message entitled “Do you Believe This?” Try to read John 11 before you come and remember Come Early—Worship Loudly—Be Friendly. Text—John 11Focal Text—John 11:25-26

  • Faces: Look

    19/01/2014 Duración: 38min

    Why do bad things happen to good people? It’s an aged old question that all of us have asked, especially when we, or those we love, go through hard times. In John 9, Jesus encountered a man who had been blind since birth. The disciples immediately assumed that he or his parents were being punished. Jesus told them they needed to look deeper and discover the works of God. We can’t wait to see you this Sunday as we return to our series Faces with a sermon entitled “Look” from John 9. Remember—Come Early—Worship Loudly—Be Friendly.

  • Ripple Effect

    05/01/2014 Duración: 32min
  • The First Christmas part 4: Waiting Well

    29/12/2013 Duración: 38min

    What are you waiting on? Most of despise waiting and all of us are always waiting on something. Simeon and Anna had waited a lifetime for God to answer the prayers. In His time, God turned their hope to reality. Join us this Sunday for worship as we conclude our December series The First Christmas with a sermon entitled Waiting Well from Luke 2:21-40.

  • The First Christmas part 3: Shepherds - Light for Everyone.

    22/12/2013 Duración: 30min

    Can I trust you? Are you committed? Do you care? three questions that we all ask anytime someone wants us to follow. Sometimes quietly, sometimes loudly, many ask these questions of God as well: God can I trust you? God are you committed? God do you care? Within the story of Christmas, God answers each of these questions with a resounding “yes” and he shows us that the light of the manger is for everyone. Join us as we continue our series The First Christmas with a message entitled Everyone’s Light (John 1:1-12).

  • The First Christmas part 2:Mary - Finding Hope

    15/12/2013 Duración: 28min

    The human spirit needs hope to survive and thrive. When Mary discovered she was carrying the Christ-child, she must have been filled with so much hope for his life. But quickly, her hope encountered pain. We usually think of hope as something we do, but the Scriptures teach that hope is something that God gives. When hope meets pain, our souls need God to give us new hope. Join us as we continue our series The First Christmas looking at Mary and Finding Hope.

  • The First Christmas part 1: Joseph - This is NOT What I Signed Up For

    01/12/2013 Duración: 27min

    “God this is not what I signed up for!” Have you ever uttered those words when the journey of life took you through uncharted terrain. At the first Christmas, Joseph is also a man behind the scenes, hardly distinguishable in the nativity from the shepherds. God had called him to be the step-father to the son of God. That calling was not what’d he signed up for. His calling would take him on a journey of ridicule, misunderstanding, uncertainty, and danger, but even though the journey was not his plan; it was God’s. Join us Sunday as we begin our series The First Christmas with part 1: Joseph: This is NOT What I Signed Up For. Matthew 1:18-25

  • Why Should I Keep Doing the Right Thing?

    03/11/2013 Duración: 04min

    What’s your motivation for doing the right thing? In this short sermon clip Lash looks at Romans 5:8 and discusses how God’s love for you isn’t based on what you do but who you are in Christ and how that love motivates us to do what we do.

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