Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar



SocialZoomFactor is a social media marketing, branding, business and lifestyle podcast created for you, the business and marketing leader in startups to enterprise organizations. If you want to learn how to integrate social media, branding, digital marketing, visual marketing, content marketing and the latest technology and new media to zoom results in business and life you won't be disappointed in the energy and information Pam Moore delivers 5 days a week. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results. Pam is CEO / founder Marketing Nutz and ranked as Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer by Forbes.


  • 027: Brands Can Not Own Their Audience

    08/08/2014 Duración: 24min

    Can an audience or a social media branded community be owned? What does it mean to be owned? You have invested time and resource into building and nurturing your social community for your organization. Do you think you have a right to control them?  The truth is you can NOT own your audience. We should not be trying to control communities or the human beings within them.  It is more about communicating and engaging WITH other human beings versus communicating TO them.  Instead we should be inspiring, energizing and influencing conversation. The focus should be on value, context, relevancy and giving, not control.  In this episode of Social Zoom Factor podcast, Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social business, social media marketing, branding, digital marketing conversion optimization that works with entrepreneurs to fortune 100 brands discusses very openly thoughts on if it is possible for brands to control and own an audience or social media community.     Episode Highlights Can an audienc

  • 026: 50 Ways to Energize and Inspire Your Social Media Communities

    07/08/2014 Duración: 22min

    Are you energizing and breathing life into your online communities or are you zapping their energy?  As a community leader, the people within your social media communities are looking to you to energize, inspire, and engage them.  People want to be inspired, educated, and empowered. They want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. They don't just want to be talked at, but instead talked with. They want to feel a sense of belonging and that someone cares about them.  In this episode Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social business, branding, digital marketing, conversion optimization agency shares 50 specific ways you can energize, inspire and ignite your online social communities and audiences.    Episode Highlights 50 ways to inspire and energize your communities and audience The importance of being patient when growing and nurturing communities Why you must know your audience well  The importance of a content marketing plan and framework when building communities

  • 025: Social Media Myths, Lies and Fairy Tales BUSTED!

    06/08/2014 Duración: 28min

    Feeling overwhelmed with the amount of content on the social inter webs, podcasts and videos telling you how to tweet, Instagram, Facebook, write content, build your brand, and drive real results with social media?  Do you feel that half of the advice you receive conflicts with what others have instructed you to do?  One of the biggest challenges many marketing and business leaders face is learning to separate fact from fiction. Being able to separate the myths, lies and fairy tales from the truth is a first step to achieving real business results.  In this episode of Social Media Zoom Factor podcast, Pam Moore CEO & Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social business, digital marketing, branding agency busts some of the most popular social media myths that may very well be holding you back from success!    Episode Highlights -Top social media myths busted -Why you must be socially relevant, not just do social or be social -Why cookie cutter approaches don't work -Why you must be careful of the "just get

  • 024: Stop the Excuses, Fix Your Mindset Fix Your Business

    05/08/2014 Duración: 26min

    As entrepreneurs, marketers and business leaders, we all make excuses. It happens to the best of us. Even if we start out a project, career or new business venture with the greatest of intentions, life often gets in the way. People get in the way. Failing business systems and technology slow us down. Many find themselves buried in challenges, obstacles and roadblocks. They often wind up settling for status quo and forget why they started the journey, the venture in the first place. The key is to not let the challenges, obstacles and roadblocks stop you from success. Don't let them put you into a cycle of making up excuses that stop you in your tracks. It's time you crack the nuts that are holding you back. Fix that broken business or email marketing system. Implement the website or blog you have been planning for the past year. It's time to get stuff done and stop making up excuses why it's not done! Each day you have a choice. You can either own the day or you can let it own you. The same thing goes for the

  • 023: Move from Social Media Buzz to Social Media Bucks!

    04/08/2014 Duración: 36min

    Word of mouth marketing, buzz marketing, influencer marketing. You know the buzzwords maybe more than you want to. You want people talking about you and your brand.   However, you likely want social media business results even more!   Generating social media buzz is good. However, the key is being able to create buzz that helps you deliver real business results. Buzz without bucks will not pay your team salaries, the office rent or the monthly subscriptions for all of those social media tools you are using to create all that fancy buzz. Creating buzz without a plan to achieve results is equivalent to creating buzz in a social media vacuum where you just suck up the opportunity of success in a loud funnel of noise and mess. The question is are you generating buzz that leads to bucks? Or are you generating buzz wishing you had more bucks? In this episode Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, Full Service social media, branding, digital marketing, content marketing agency digs into why so many are getting caugh

  • 022: Your Digital Lifestyle - Is Your Social Media Addiction Providing Value?

    03/08/2014 Duración: 12min

    We all know that "turning off digital" is becoming harder and harder. There is literally a conversation happening 24/7, 365 days of the year that you can tap into and join instantly. It's almost as if we hear our devices whispering thing like "turn me back on, push that button, scroll me, post me, don't turn me off for so long." Social networks, smart phones, apps, tweets, Instagram photos, text messages, Facebook posts, are Google+ conversations are becoming embedded in our digital life.  90% of mobile users keep their device within arms reach 100% of the time. The question is WHY are you spending so much time online? Are you investing time online for the right reasons? Is your time invested delivering the results you want? It is getting you closer to your life and business goals? Or is it taking you away from them? Are you spending less time with family even when you have made life choices to spend more time with them. However, is it your digital lifestyle that robs your most precious time? In this special

  • 021: Social Media Truths in a Nutshell - Separating Fact from Fiction

    01/08/2014 Duración: 34min

    We all know the social web is filled with a lot of fud and questionable information. Sometimes it is hard to make your way through the promises, tweets, differing opinions and more. This episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast provides you with 34 Social Media Truths we have known to be true. The Social Media Truth series is based on a keynote presentation I did at the Rochester Institute of Technology in late 2012. I have been writing on the core concepts since then and it has served as a foundation for much discussion. I used the content as a test project to practice what I preach, build and execute an integrated plan around one solid piece of content. Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social media, branding, digital marketing, content marketing agency shares with you the approach she took to leverage one slide deck for almost two years and also the details of each one of the 34 Social Media Truths. It's an action and information packed episode definitely worth your listen!    Episode Hi

  • 020: Social Trust Factor: Ignite Business Results with Authority and Trust

    31/07/2014 Duración: 35min

    Many marketing and business leaders spend months developing an integrated online platform, brand architectures, message platforms, social media strategies and plans, logos, and more. They launch their business or new product with huge dreams to seriously rock the online world. However, after a few months goes by, they realize their platform is delivering little if any results. Their audience is not engaging, clicking, or buying. Instead of an engaging platform it look like a deserted island. So what is the problem? It could very well be they have a problem establishing trust. Does their audience trust them? If no, why not? Do you lack the trust factor? Establishing trust and authority are critical to achieve business results online. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast  Pam Moore, CEO and Founder, Marketing Nutz, full service social media, digital marketing, branding agency discusses why it is critical to turn up the volume on your social trust factor. I share 10 tips to help you establish trust,

  • 019: How to Get Your CEO On Twitter

    30/07/2014 Duración: 33min

    Do you wish you could get your CEO on Twitter? Want to get your c-suite,  stakeholders and team members to jump on the social networks? Pam Moore, CEO & Founder of Marketing Nutz, full service social media, branding, digital marketing agency shares how to hand the challenge of getting your executives on twitter and other social networks. It is critical to set goals, objectives and get buy-in on your plan, versus only selling your CEO on social network platform.  Topics covered include how to get buy-in on your social business and social media plan, not just Twitter, how to develop an online Twitter brand persona, how to humanize your brand and help your executives humanize their brands, and how to bridge the social divide between the social, generation s and the unsocial.  Pam Moore is recognized by Forbes as a Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer, best selling author, speaker, trainer and consultant. She works with clients and organizations from startups to Fortune 100 corporations helping them integrate

  • 018: Social Media Relationships, the Life Raft for Technology and Social Business Change

    29/07/2014 Duración: 21min

    We wake up in the morning, one eye open and grab our mobile device. How do I know you do such? Because 90% of people have their mobile device within arms reach 100% of the time. Even though you may not want to admit it, chances are you have at minimum a slight addiction problem to technology,shiny objects, Twitter birds and social networks of any and all flavors. If you don't, congratulations! Chances are you are in the minority if you are reading this blog post and listening to this podcast! We subscribe to podcasts on iTunes, blog posts via RSS feeds and email updates. We open up our email programs via mobile devices in bed. We then hop to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to see what's happening in our world of change. We are starving for information, news, resources to help us learn, grow, achieve and be more. At the core the biggest question is what exactly are we addicted to? Is it the technology, access to information or fear of missing out? Maybe it's the connection with human beings? Or maybe all of the

  • 017: Social Media Communities - Build, Grow, Nurture and Sustain

    28/07/2014 Duración: 33min

    How do you leverage social media to build, nurture, grow and sustain meaningful, connected and powerful communities? It takes time, patience and an investment in people as human beings, not just dollars. It requires as much art as it does science. Just as building relationships with human beings one to one takes time, nurturing communities to earn the support and develop loyal tribes of brand evangelists takes even more time. Many marketing and business leaders wrongly assume they can simply hop on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter and have an instant community waiting on the edge of their seat to engage, contribute and become loyal brand evangelists. This couldn’t be further from the truth. We all know the foundation of technology, infrastructure and even the way we communication is changing underneath our feet almost by the minute. The only guarantee we have for tomorrow is change. Just as becoming a social business is a journey, not a destination, communities are much the same. Building communities requires tr

  • 016: Brand Humanization: Social Media Authenticity vs Transparency

    25/07/2014 Duración: 24min

    Social media brand humanization requires both art and science. It is important to understand the difference between authenticity and transparency to nurture relationships and earn trust of brand evangelists.  In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Marketing Nutz, full service social branding, digital marketing, conversion optimization agency and Forbes Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer explains the difference between authenticity and transparency and why it is important that you focus on the right level of transparency to earn trust and build relationships with your audiences online.    Episode highlights:  -Difference between authenticity and transparency -Building an authentic brand online -Nurturing relationships -How much is too much? -The importance of authenticity and transparency in earning trust and nurturing relationships -13 characteristics of human brands

  • 015: The Social Employee: Ignite Employees to Brand Advocates

    24/07/2014 Duración: 29min

    Marketing and business leaders are struggling with how to best leverage social media to increase brand awareness, grow revenue, establish thought leadership and more. They want to humanize their brand but are doing such via technology and networks that make them less human versus more. What are they missing? They are missing the greatest opportunity right within the walls of their corporation. Employees can be your most loyal brand advocates if you simply take the time to invest in them. Building and successfully implementing a solid brand advocate program tapping into the power of your employees can humanize your brand and connect with your audiences in amazing ways. When you connect with your audience you can nurture relationships, which in turn increase loyalty, customer satisfaction and revenue! Did you know that only 40% of employees know about their organizational goals and tactics? Yet on the flip side companies that engage their employees have 2.5x the revenue. Conversion rates can be 4 to 10 times hi

  • 014: How to Develop Social Business Strategy and Social Media Plan

    23/07/2014 Duración: 26min

    Becoming a social business is a journey, not a destination. Integrating social media, new technologies and methodologies is as much about mindset as it is about the tools and technology. The goal is not to "do social media" but instead to be socially relevant. From a business perspective a goal is to build and implement a social business program that is sustainable and can help nurture relationships for both the short and long term. Obtaining buy-in from needed stakeholders is critical for success.  You must be able to clearly articulate where you are going and why so that you can  inspire key team members to join you on your journey. You must know your audience and what they need from you and be able to serve them up valuable content, conversation and helpful resources daily. Empower your employees to power your brand. Invest in them as human beings. Inspire them to live your brand promise and be a shining light of your brand for your customers and all who they come in contact with. Marketers must quit focus

  • 013: Manage Social Media Brand Risk & Stomp Fear of Starting

    22/07/2014 Duración: 28min

    Many brands avoid embracing social media and online marketing because of the fear associated with risk to the brand. They think that if they avoid social media all together that the risk can be avoided. This assumption couldn't be further from the truth. There is no opt-out button associated with social media. Chances are high that for the majority of brands, there is already a conversation happening in their honor, regardless if the brand chooses to join the conversation and contribute in a meaningful and relevant way. Social media is going to reveal the organization from the inside out long before it will transform the organization. Avoiding the social networks is not going to mitigate the risk. In reality it may actually do the exact opposite and increase the risk. In this episode Pam Moore, CEO and Founder Marketing Nutz, full service socisl media, branding, digital marketing agency and Forbes Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer digs into these details and offers specific recommendations for how you can

  • 012: How Small Business Can Win In a Big Business World

    21/07/2014 Duración: 29min

    For small business, startups, entrepreneurs, and even "corporatepreneurs" within larger organizations, knowing the right levers to pull to gain competitive advantage can make all the difference in winning or losing. Small businesses, startups and entrepreneurs can leverage their agility, quick decision making, personal branding, niche marketing and more to knock the socks off their competition. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social business, digital marketing agency and Forbes Top 10 Social Media Influencer explains 10 levers small business can use to rock and win against the competition for amazing results!   

  • 011: Why Personal Branding is a Requirement Not an Option

    18/07/2014 Duración: 24min

    In today's socially connected world and 1:1 constant communication 365 days of the year, human to human communication is at the core of business and life. The heartbeat of social media is humans. The goal for businesses and the people within them is not to "do social" but to be social. Even "being social" is often not enough. We must be socially relevant. In this episode Pam Moore, CEO Founder of Marketing Nutz, full service social business, digital marketing, conversion optimization agency explains why the best way to be relevant is to connect as humans, to inspire and connect in a way that nurtures meaningful and authentic relationships that endure the technology and platform changes that are thrown at us constantly. Brands must learn to empower evangelists both internal and external. They must inspire their employees to live their brand promise and be the story tellers who their audiences hear, like and trust. Did you know that 71% of CEOs believe human capital is a key source of economic value according t

  • 010: Social Business, Only Guarantee is Change!

    17/07/2014 Duración: 24min

    The only guarantee in social business is change. The landscape and ecosystem is changing with every step we take. It's becoming harder and harder for even the smartest marketers and business leaders to find stable ground for which to build their business. We must realize that change is the new constant. Accepting this fact and embracing the change with a positive mental and business mindset will make or separate the successful business from the failing. We must accept an increased level of risk and fail fast vs. avoiding risk and being left behind. Marketers must be willing to let go of the old marketing ways and embrace new ways of doing business. It's time to embrace new technologies, processes, and ways to empower and train employees. We must break down the silos, earn the trust of loyal brand evangelists and realize it's not about us, but about what we can do for others. We must take down the masks and let our human show. Brand humanization is a requirement, not an option if you want to be in business fiv

  • 009: Why Your Blog Sucks and How to Fix it

    16/07/2014 Duración: 21min

    You launched a blog. You spent a ton of time on it. You may have built it yourself or paid some serious bucks to a designer or developer to build it for you. You had big dreams. You had big plans. You envisioned a blog rockin' with amazing content, engagement, community and of course new business leads. The only problem is that none of this happened. Bottom line, your blog sucks and you don't know what to do about it. In this episode Pam Moore, CEO and Founder Marketing Nutz, social brand, digital marketing agency and Forbes Top 10 Social Media Influencer shares 10 reasons why your blog sucks and what you can do to fix it, pronto! Episode highlights include Top 10 reasons your blog sucks. Why design matters. The importance of having a mobile responsive blog and website. Why your blog is not just about you. To use pop-ups or not to use pop-ups. Embracing imperfect perfection and much more! 

  • 008: Email marketing is NOT dead! Or is it?

    15/07/2014 Duración: 23min

    Generate leads and nurture relationships with email marketing. Know your customer, and provide content to help them solve business problems and achieve goals. Pam Moore CEO Founder Marketing Nutz shares 10 best practices to help you achieve results, grow your email subscriber list and meet your business goals by integrating email marketing into your customer acquisition strategies and tactics and social media and online marketing efforts. 

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