The Terri Cole Show



Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist, transformation coach, and expert at turning Fear into Freedom. Hello Freedom was created to help people all over the world face their fears, get unstuck from the past, move past their limiting beliefs, and start living the lives they desire. If you enjoyed this episode of Hello Freedom, or you would like to learn more about practical psychology, achieving personal freedom, self-improvement, meditation, mindfulness practices, harnessing the power of intention, and real-life strategies for personal transformation, come visit us at


  • 554 7 Steps to Powerful & Effective Communication

    31/10/2023 Duración: 19min

    How often do you feel misunderstood when communicating, whether it be by email, in person, or text? Do you often feel like your messages are not received how you intended them to be? If you are nodding your head, then you know how unsatisfying it is when the person you are talking to does not get what you are saying. The good news is that you can learn to be a better communicator.  In this episode, I lay out a seven-step formula to ensure your side of the street is clean when it comes to communicating effectively and powerfully. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 553 How to Keep Learning with Kelly Corrigan

    26/10/2023 Duración: 45min

    I had the pleasure of interviewing best-selling author and talented interviewer, Kelly Corrigan.  We covered so much:  - Kelly's childhood dream of becoming a writer  - How her dad's unwavering support bolstered her - Her experience with chemo and cancer  - Kelly's reflections on her mom's parenting style and how she may have benefitted from it - Kelly's favorite interview questions and techniques. If you ever wanted to know more about her or simply want to tune into a thought-provoking conversation (thanks to Kelly's astute self-awareness), this episode is one you must watch! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 552 Your Top 8 Boundary Questions Answered

    24/10/2023 Duración: 22min

    Have you ever wondered how to set boundaries without guilt? Do you second-guess yourself when setting boundaries? Or are you unsure of what boundaries you even need? Then read on, my friend, because in this episode, I am answering the eight most common questions I get asked about boundaries. Visit to pre-order the Boundary Boss Workbook! By pre-ordering, you will get exclusive bonuses and send bookstores the message that boundaries matter! Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 551 How to Successfully Manage Menopause with Dr. Mary Claire Haver

    19/10/2023 Duración: 37min

    I am thrilled to welcome my favorite menopause doctor to the show: Dr. Mary Claire Haver.  I have been obsessed with following her on Instagram because she shares so much helpful information for free. I know menopause is a topic you wanted to see more of and I couldn't be more excited to have Dr. Mary Claire here to set the record straight.  For those who don't know, Dr. Mary Claire is a board-certified OBGYN who, after experiencing menopause and not being able to lose weight, went back to school at Tulane University to become a Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist. She went on to create The Galveston Diet, a three-pronged lifestyle plan that encourages fuel refocusing, intermittent fasting, and anti-inflammatory nutrition to manage hormonal symptoms, stabilize weight, and revitalize the body as it ages to provide benefits that will last a lifetime. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 550 Can't Trust Yourself to Follow Through? Do This

    17/10/2023 Duración: 22min

    Have you ever said, “I’ll start working out/meditating/eating better/going to bed earlier…” and didn’t follow through? Where next week comes, and you’ve either forgotten about it or no longer feel like making the change? If you experience this type of resistance and struggle to keep your word (to yourself and others), you are not alone. I was there in my 20s.  But it is a sign of disordered internal boundaries, which could be robbing you of potential.  In this episode, I break down the symptoms of having crappy internal boundaries and give you a 7-step process to kick resistance to the curb. Follow this process, and in time, you will reach your goals, feel better about yourself, and follow through on what you say you will do. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 549 Become UNMESSABLEWITH with Josselyne Herman-Saccio

    12/10/2023 Duración: 38min

    I am psyched to welcome one of my nearest and dearest, master coach Josselyne Herman-Saccio. I met Josselyne during my talent agent days, and she has had a profound impact on my life.  Growing up, Josselyn's parents separated. After attending transformational workshops, they got back together. Josselyn noticed they were completely changed by the experience, and attended her first transformational workshop at age 11. It was at her nudging that I attended mine, which led to me leaving my talent agent career behind to become a psychotherapist.  Josselyn has taken the principles she learned in those transformational workshops to change people's lives. Her focus is on living the life you want NOW rather than a mysterious "someday" in the future.  I hope you find our conversation as fascinating as I did. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 548 7 Strategies to Stop Being Defensive

    07/10/2023 Duración: 23min

    When someone comes to you with negative feedback, do you get defensive?  Do you automatically come up with reasons why you did something, building a case for the way you did it? Do you shift the blame onto someone else?  Or does your heart start racing? If this resonates, you are not alone. It is human to want to defend your choices, actions, and beliefs.  But defensiveness damages our relationships, which is why this episode is all about becoming more aware of defensive behavior and what you can do instead. I am covering the signs and symptoms of defensiveness, why we get defensive in the first place, and strategies you can use to become less defensive. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 547 Heal, Grow, and Thrive In Your Relationships with Dr. Alexandra Solomon

    05/10/2023 Duración: 36min

    I am so excited to welcome my pal, Dr. Alexandra Solomon, on the show to talk about her new book, Love Every Day: 365 Relational Self-Awareness Practices to Help Your Relationship Heal, Grow and Thrive. This conversation is all about love: how we can keep our love strong, what to do if it's not going so well, daily practices you can start doing today, and so much more. Dr. Alexandra Solomon and I discuss relational self-awareness, family of origin issues, and the difficulties of dating in a modern world. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 546 Held Up at Gunpoint— My Trauma + Recovery

    03/10/2023 Duración: 21min

    TRIGGER WARNING: This episode/blog contains a story about (gun) violence which may be triggering to survivors. Many years ago, my husband and I were held up at gunpoint.  I have mentioned it before, but I have never shared the full story because it was traumatic.  When one of you asked me to share this experience, how it impacted my life, and how I recovered from it, I thought it might be time to share.  By sharing my story of trauma and recovery, I hope to help others who have experienced a traumatic event. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 545 Why Isn't Everyone Doing This? With Emily Fletcher

    28/09/2023 Duración: 38min

    I am so excited to welcome my friend, Emily Fletcher, to the show to talk about Sacred sexuality, meditation, pleasure, and manifestation. Emily has been teaching meditation for the past 13+ years and recently started exploring how we can tap into our Sacred sexuality to manifest our dreams and desires. Don't worry- Emily breaks all of this down in a practical way and offers tips on how to get started during our conversation. Emily's perspective resonated so much, and for those of you who don't prioritize pleasure, I got you covered because I asked Emily about that, too. Enjoy! Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 544 5 Signs of Disordered Family Boundaries

    26/09/2023 Duración: 21min

    Is it difficult for you to say “no” to your parents, draw a boundary with a sibling, or set a limit with a cousin, aunt, or uncle? Do you struggle to share your preferences, limits, desires, or deal-breakers with some of the people in your family? If the answer is “yes,” this episode is for you. I am talking about the different kinds of disordered boundaries we often have in our families of origin and giving you ideas on how to get proactive so you can release yourself from these frustrating situations. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 543 What to Do When Life Falls Apart With Kris Carr

    21/09/2023 Duración: 39min

    Best-selling author Kris Carr is one of my nearest and dearest. We go way back to my talent agent days (I represented her).   Kris's newest book, I'm Not A Mourning Person:  Braving Loss, Grief, and the Big Messy Emotions That Happen When Life Falls Apart, is a beautiful read. I could not put it down, and I lived a lot of this book with Kris as it was happening.  If you are experiencing grief of any kind, whether due to the loss of a loved one, the loss of your former self, or the loss of a job, I think you'll enjoy this heartfelt conversation. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 542 Relationship Q&A: When to Give Up, Let Go, and Stop Giving Chances

    19/09/2023 Duración: 23min

    When should you stop trying to make it work with a partner who is seemingly uninterested in self-improvement? What do you do when the love between you and your partner is no longer enough? How can you keep yourself from falling back into old roles within your family of origin when visiting home, especially if you’ve grown and changed? And when is it time to consider moving into independent living when you are a full-time caregiver for your spouse? I answer all of these questions in this Q&A episode, which is all about relationship dynamics. Let’s dive in. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 541 Change Your Life with Sara Kuburic (The Millennial Therapist)

    14/09/2023 Duración: 39min

    Have you ever wondered, "Who am I, and why am I here?" If so, this interview is for you, my friend. I am beyond excited to have Dr. Sara Kuburic, better known as The Millennial Therapist on Instagram, on the show to talk about her new book, It's On Me: Accept Hard Truths, Discover Your Self, and Change Your Life. Sarah is an existential therapist and has had a lifelong interest in psychology. This book was inspired by a loss of self she experienced in her twenties, which she also saw in her therapy clients. If you've felt meaningless or purposeless, like you don't know yourself, then I invite you to tune in as Sara offers many tips on how to discover your sense of self. I've loved her work for a while and I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did! Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 540 Trust Issues Ruining Your Relationships? These 5 Steps Will Help

    12/09/2023 Duración: 22min

    Do you assume everyone has the same values and moral compass as you? Do you assume everyone has good intentions? Or do you assume other people are untrustworthy, even though you have no way of knowing? Whether you are too trusting or more distrustful, this episode is for you. I am giving you questions to gain a deeper understanding of your downloaded trust blueprint, as well as tips to become more discerning about whom to trust. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 539 Yoga for All Bodies With Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts

    07/09/2023 Duración: 34min

    I am thrilled to welcome world-renowned Peloton instructor, Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts, to the show. We chat about Chelsea's yoga journey, what inspires her, the tragedy she endured in college, the rewards and challenges of motherhood, and so much more. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 538 Addicted to Toxic Love? Trauma Bonds Explained

    05/09/2023 Duración: 21min

    Have you ever wondered what makes people vulnerable to trauma bonding? Or how to tell if you are in a trauma-bonded relationship versus one based on mutuality or true love? From the questions I've received, I know many of you want a deeper understanding of trauma-bonded relationships: What are the signs and symptoms, and what does it mean? Listen for everything you need to know to protect yourself and your relationships. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 537 Discover What Drives You With Kevin Miller

    31/08/2023 Duración: 41min

    Our guest today excels in so many fields: He’s a former pro athlete, podcast host, published author, and father of nine kids. He’s also a respected personal development guide who helps people elevate their experiences and improve the ways that they show up for others.  Today, we’re taking a deep dive into motivation– Both healthy and unhealthy. Kevin shares lessons from his own life, past and present, and we also touch on being mindfully driven rather than recklessly impulsive. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 536 Boundaries or Control? Identifying Coercive Tactics

    29/08/2023 Duración: 21min

    A few weeks ago, Jonah Hill’s ex-girlfriend, Sarah Brady, shared a bunch of text messages he sent her when they were dating. Among them was the above list of “boundaries.” As you can imagine, this stirred up a lot of discussion online.  I fell into a Reddit hole about it and was stunned by the amount of misinformation out there about boundaries. People are truly unaware of the differences between coercion, abuse, effective boundaries, and control, which is what this episode is about.  I also talk about the signs of coercive control to watch for and why the Jonah Hill situation is more manipulative than it may seem. Read the show notes for today's episode at

  • 535 Fascia, Flexibility, & Optimal Health with Lauren Roxburgh

    24/08/2023 Duración: 37min

    I am excited to share this conversation I had with fascia expert and Pilates Pro, Lauren Roxburgh. My sister and I were turned onto Lauren's work at the beginning of the pandemic, and I intuitively knew fascia health was the missing link in my wellness. I love stalking Lauren's Instagram page to see what new practices I can integrate into my routine.  This conversation was fascinating as Lauren shares the newest fascia research with us and explains how it has the potential to impact every aspect of our lives. (and bodies!) Read the show notes for today's episode at

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